Browsing Thesis by Document Types "Master thesis"
Now showing items 21-40 of 4584
A psychological look at economic growth : an omni-political manifesto
(Master thesis, 2013)This master's thesis is an attempt to synthesize the psychological theory of self-esteem, as formulated by Nathaniel Branden, with economic thought in order to provide an innovative way of analyzing historical economic ... -
A race to the bottom? : a game-theoretic approach to monetary policy interdependence
(Master thesis, 2017)The recent low interest regime of most central banks in the world raises several questions. First, it appears that the interest rates may have been too low during periods of recessions. Second, the key policy rates seem ... -
A replication of "What will it do for my EPS?" : a straightforward but powerful motive for mergers
(Master thesis, 2015)The purpose of this paper is to investigate the possibility of predicting what firms ultimately become targets in a merger and acquisition transaction, by replicating the results of Garvey, Milbourn & Xie in “What Will It ... -
A simulation analysis of the container handling process at Husøy port : the effect of a new container terminal
(Master thesis, 2015)In this thesis we have been using simulation as a method to analyse the structural changes at Karmsund Container Terminal. By measuring the different steps in the container handling process, we were able to evaluate how ... -
A study of moral motivation in paternalistic behavior : a study of how two variations of information asymmetry affect the willingness to make paternalistic decisions
(Master thesis, 2017)The purpose of this thesis is to study moral motivation in hard paternalistic interferences, and further contribute to the understanding of the nature behind paternalistic behavior. Based on the evidence that people are ... -
A study of the Norwegian Stock Market, 1961-1989 : characteristics of the Oslo Stock Exchange and an empirical analysis of the price-book anomaly
(Master thesis, 2018)This thesis analyzes characteristics of the Oslo Stock Exchange (OSE) in the time period 1961-1989. Furthermore, this thesis extends the literature concerning the research on the P/B anomaly in the Norwegian stock market ... -
A study on adapting advanced traceability system between feed manufacturer and salmon farmer in a farmed salmon supply chain
(Master thesis, 2015)Adopting an advanced traceability system in a supply chain is crucial to solve food safety issue. It is certainly important for firms to improve their traceability to deal with potential recalls ... -
A supply side perspective on the historical short term co-movement of output and prices in Norway : empirical evidence and implications for monetary policy
(Master thesis, 2019)This thesis explains how inflation targeting as an objective for monetary policy, to some extent, relies upon the inflation rate reflecting output cycles in the short-term. It also explains how this assumption does not ... -
(Master thesis, 2008)Kostnadsvurderinger av PET i Norge har vært gjort tidligere (J.G.Fjell, 2003 og overslagsmessig av SMM). Disse er imidlertid teoretisk beregnet i forkant av innføringen av PET ved Riks-Radiumhospitalet. Både organisering ... -
Access to energy : impetuses shaping business decisions, and the strategic implications for cross-sector social partnerships
(Master thesis, 2012)This study aims to identify the underlying factors stimulating and shaping companies’ access to energy activities, and how inter-organizational collaborations can change the rules of the games. A review of relevant ... -
Accounting for diverse greenhouse gases in the environmental balance sheet : How to account for CO2 and CH4 using different emission metrics
(Master thesis, 2023)The ongoing challenges of global warming and climate change emphasize the importance of reliable and concrete sustainability reporting. Continuous rise in greenhouse gas emissions should hold a significant place in such ... -
Accounting for nonprofit organizations: a case study of British Red Cross
(Master thesis, 2010)Accounting for Nonprofit organizations (NPOs) has become an interesting and promising topic, which is different from commercial accounting in many ways: The objective of NPOs is to provide services for public benefits, not ... -
Accounting Fraud Detection Using The Fraud Triangle Factors
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis examines whether the factors of the fraud triangle influence a firm's likelihood of committing financial fraud. According to Cressey’s theory, opportunity, pressure, and rationalization are always present in ... -
An accounting-based profitability analysis of deploying offshore wind at Sørlige Nordsjø II: A new North Sea adventure or a renewable energy fallacy?
(Master thesis, 2022)Offshore wind has received a great amount of attention the last decade, with industry initiatives underpinning development across nations. European offshore wind auction strike prices have decreased drastically, indicating ... -
ACERGY : strategisk regnskapsanalyse og verdsettelse
(Master thesis, 2010)Vi har i denne masterutredningen hatt som utgangspunkt å bedømme hvorvidt Acergy sin aksje er riktig priset i markedet. Dette har vi gjennomført ved å foreta en fundamental verdsettelse av selskapet basert på ... -
Acquiring Targets Picked by Private Equity : The Effect of Competitor Identity on Corporate Merger Gains
(Master thesis, 2021)This paper examines the e↵ect of private equity competition on corporate takeovers. I find that corporate acquirers who compete with financial sponsors outperform those who compete exclusively with other corporate ... -
The acquisition of Roxar by Emerson : the good child of the good parent?
(Master thesis, 2011)The aim of the master thesis is to analyze the case of Roxar‘s acquisition by Emerson and to perform the discussion about how a change of ownership has transformed the company and whether this transformation has created ... -
Active Fund Performance : A meta analysis on active fund performance , the value of active funds in crisis and the active share measurement
(Master thesis, 2021)I present in this meta-analysis a comprehensive analysis of active fund management. The master thesis is done using both the ‘conventional view’ of active fund management based upon research by Carhart (1997) complemented ... -
Active Mutual Fund Performance: Pandemic vs Financial Crisis : A study of Norwegian active mutual funds’ ability to create excess return during uncertain times.
(Master thesis, 2022)The covid-19 pandemic had significant effect on economies and markets all over the world. Therefore, there is high interest in findings around the matter. There is, however, limited research of fund performance during ...