SYNAPS - A Journal of Professional Communication: Nye registreringer
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The concepts of revenue and expenditure and their accounting effects
(Journal article, 2010)The aim of this contribution is to problematise the way the concepts of revenue and expenditure are used in the domain of accounting without taking into account their different accounting effects depending on whether the ... -
Grundlegendes zur zweisprachigen Fachlexikographie aus der Sicht des Fachübersetzers
(Journal article, 2010)This paper discusses some fundamentals of bilingual LSP lexicography in modern time. All examples are taken from legal dictionaries in Norwegian-English, Norwegian-German and German-English language pairs published between ... -
Probing the translation process
(Journal article, 2000) -
Semantiske endringer i spansk fagspråk og terminologi
(Journal article, 2001)Det er ikke uvanlig at det gjennom tidene skjer endringer i ordenes form og betydning. I denne artikkelen ska! vi se nrermere pa hvordan ord og uttrykks betydning kan endres som fulge av ekonomiske eller sosiale forandringer ... -
The concept of the interpersonal in translation
(Journal article, 2009)Analysis from the perspective of Hallidayan (systemic functional) linguistics became popular in translation studies in the 1990s, though most work concentrated on the textual function and, to a lesser degree, the ideational ... -
The Contribution of pragmatics to the stydy of journalistic prose
(Journal article, 2001) -
Norsk bedriftsøkonomisk terminologi – nødvendig eller unødvendig?
(Journal article, 2006)In this article some views regarding the use of Norwegian or foreign (English language) accounting concepts and terms are presented. The conclusion states that we should continue to use our native Norwegian language ... -
The Problem of Scientific Uncertainty
(Journal article, 2010)In a certain sense uncertainty and ignorance have been recognized in science and philosophy from the time of the Greeks. However, the mathematical sciences have been dominated by the pursuit of certainty. Therefore, experiments ... -
Memetics and Translation Studies
(Journal article, 2000)Translation Studies is a branch of memetics. This is a claim, a hypothesis. More specifically, it is an interpretive hypothesis: I claim that Translation Studies can be thus interpreted, and that this is a useful thing ... -
Le concept de "reformulation", un concept bien defini?
(Journal article, 2001)Tallene lyver ikke". Tallene snakker for seg selv". Man "legger tallene på bordet". Klisjeene er mange og blir brukt for det de er verdt. Tall har generelt blitt oppfattet som nøytrale og objektive fakta. -
Korpora als Ausgangspunkt für die Extraktion von terminologishen Daten
(Journal article, 2001) -
Fiskeristyresmaktene si rolle i utvikling av ein fiskeriterminologi
(Journal article, 2006)In this article I try to establish whether it is fair to argue that there exists a particular Norwegian fishery terminology, and, if so, whether and to what extent national administrative bodies have played and are ... -
Jakten på terminologien
(Journal article, 2006)Translating Redmond O’Hanlon’s novel Trawler offered some extra challenges, as it also started a fervent hunt for terminology. My dismay was profound when I discovered that a fishery nation like Norway had no English– Norwegian ... -
Übersetzen als wissensbasierte Tätigkeit Ein Beitrag zur Übersetzungslinguistik
(Journal article, 2000) -
Samhandling med japanere: Sentrale kulturelle begreper
(Journal article, 2002)Seen from Norway, Japanese behavior will often appear strange and difficult to understand. Knowledge is the essential key to improve our perception of the Japanese culture and pave the way for increased interaction between ... -
(Journal article, 2006) -
Fagsrpåklig leksigrafi og terminografi: Eit komplementært perspektiv
(Journal article, 2001)The paper takes its point of departure in a scrutiny of the defining characteristics of LSP lexicography and tenninography, respectively, and of some of the claims made on behalf of either collapsing or distinguishing ... -
Einige Überlegungen zur nicht-sprachlichen Repräsentation von Gegenständen und Begriffen
(Journal article, 1999)!st die Rede von der Reprasentation von Gegenstanden und Begriffen, denkt man in erster Linie an die sprachliche Reprasentation durch Benennungen, Definitionen, Erklarungen, Beschreibungen oder langere explikative Texte ... -
Writing and Translation in Expert – Non-expert Communication. Methods, Guidelines and Quality Assessment
(Journal article, 2010)This article consists of two parts. The first section is a rather theoretical approach of what communication between experts and non-experts consists of. It deals with how this form of communication is investigated; ... -
Å oversette en juridisk tekst
(Journal article, 2001)