Browsing Norges Handelshøyskole by Title
Now showing items 8118-8137 of 8341
Wage dips and drops around first birth
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-01)We use a rich longitudinal data set for West Germany to disentangle the wage effects for female workers around first birth. Data on daily real wages reveal a dip in women’s real wages shortly before giving birth and a ... -
Wage dynamics and career concerns in anarchistic firms
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2001-04)We consider firms where a worker’s effort level is contractible, but individual output is not. We attempt to determine equilibrium degree of worker discretion in choice of task (specialization) when workers have private ... -
Wage structure and labor mobility in Norway 1980-1997
(Working paper, Working paper, 2008-06)To what extent do different firms follow different wage policies? How do such policies affect worker mobility between firms, and what are the effects of different wage bargaining regimes? The empirical branch of personnel ... -
Wage structure and labor mobility in Norway 1980–1997
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2005)To what extent do different firms follow different wage policies? How do such policies affect worker mobility between firms, and what are the effects of different wage bargaining regimes? The empirical branch of personnel ... -
WallStreetBets on Wall Street An Empirical Analysis of the Market Power of WallStreetBets
(Master thesis, 2021)In this thesis, we apply sentiment analysis techniques to test whether sentiment on WallStreetBets has had an impact on stock returns, trading volume, option volume, and implied volatility from January 01, 2020, to March ... -
The War in Ukraine: A Turning Point for Sustainable Investing? An empirical study of investor preferences, performance and downside risk in the European mutual fund market
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis examines the impact of the war in Ukraine on sustainability-related investor preferences, performance, and exposure to downside risk in the European mutual fund market. We analyse a sample of 1,952 actively ... -
War of attrition with affiliated values.
(DP SAM;16/2017, Working paper, 2017)We study the war of attrition between two players when the players’ signals are binary and affiliated. Our model covers both the case of common values and affiliated private values. We characterize the unique symmetric ... -
A warning to equity crowdfunding investors! : you might overpay
(Master thesis, 2020)Equity crowdfunding is a relatively new phenomenon that allows non-professional investors to invest in potentially high-value startups. Although some view this as an opportunity to decrease societal inequalities, others ... -
Was the euro a good idea for European trade?
(Master thesis, 2011)In this thesis I have studied the effect that the euro has had on European Union trade patterns among its members. The data used in from different 26 EU countries that go from 1993 to 2010. During this period several ... -
Water with power : market power and supply shortage in dry years
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2003-12)The purpose of this paper is to analyse how market power may affect the allocation of production between seasons (summer and winter) in a hydro power system with reservoirs and where inflow in winter is uncertain. We find ... -
Water. Energy. Climate. Essays in Empirical Enviromental Economics
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-12) -
Wavelet improvement in turning point detection using a Hidden Markov Model
(Discussion paper;10/14, Working paper, 2014-03)The Hidden Markov Model (HMM) has been widely used in regime classification and turning point detection for econometric series after the decisive paper by Hamilton (1989). The present paper will show that when using HMM ... -
The way exchange of information impacts money laundering : empirical analysis on how exchange of information agreements impacts trade gaps between tax havens
(Master thesis, 2021)Is there a trade gap between tax havens, and is this trade gap affected by exchange of information agreements? This thesis aims to show that value preserving objects can be used as a mean for money laundering or tax evasion ... -
"We care, and we meant it": Psychological mechanisms influencing perceptions of sincerity in CSR communication
(Doctoral thesis, 2016-09)The overarching topic in this dissertation is psychological mechanisms involved in the perceptions of sincerity in CSR communication. The dissertation consist of three papers, all revolving around sincerity-perceptions in ... -
The wealth effect of banking merger announcements : an event study of the Nordic financial services industry
(Master thesis, 2006)The purpose of this paper is to provide further empirical evidence on merger gains in the financial services industry. This is done by means of an “event study” of the Nordic market. The data sample underlying the analysis ... -
Wealth Effects on Demand for Insurance
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2007-01)A standard result states that under decreasing absolute risk aversion the indifference premium of the insured is a decreasing function of wealth. This has been interpreted to mean that insurance is an inferior good, which ... -
Wealth mobility in Norway : An event study ofwealth tax change in Bø
(Master thesis, 2022)In this thesis we examine the effect of a wealth tax on mobility. The lower wealth tax rate in Bø, implemented January 2021, presents an opportunity to add an empirical study to the scarce literature on wealth ... -
The Wealth of a Nation: Norways Road to Prosperity
(DP SAM;17/2020, Working paper, 2020-09)The present paper discusses Norway’s way to prosperity during the two last centuries. The main reason for its wealth seems to have been the ability to meet international demand by utilizing its rich natural resources, ... -
Wealth Taxation, Non-listed Firms, and the Risk of Entrepreneurial Investment
(Discussion paper;5/18, Working paper, 2018-04-27)How to incorporate hard-to-value assets into the wealth tax? We analyze the effect of an optimal wealth tax on risk-taking behavior and welfare when investors do not only have the standard portfolio choice with a ...