Browsing Norges Handelshøyskole by Title
Now showing items 1396-1415 of 8637
Dagens boligmarked : euforiske tilstander - eller strukturelle endringer? : en studie av bobletendenser og etterspørselsforhold i det norske boligmarkedet
(Master thesis, 2007)Hovedformålet med denne masterutredningen er å gjennomføre en grundig analyse av tilstanden i det norske boligmarkedet i dag, og se denne i lys av utviklingen siden 1980. I den første delen av utredningen ønsker vi ved ... -
Dagens høye gjeldsnivå: en trussel for boligmarkedet? : en empirisk studie av boligprisenes rentefølsomhet og i hvilken grad denne kan forsterkes av sårbarheten til husholdningene
(Master thesis, 2013)Norske husholdninger sin gjeld er i dag på rekordhøye nivåer. Det lave rentenivået fører derimot til at gjelden ikke oppleves som særlig belastende for den private økonomien. Motivasjonen bak denne utredningen er å undersøke ... -
Dagligvareportal : til forbrukernes beste?
(Master thesis, 2013)Selv om norske forbrukere har det dårligste utvalget av dagligvarer i Norden, møter de det høyeste prisnivået. Dagligvaremarkedet i Norge består i hovedsak av fire store grupperinger, og har ... -
Dagligvareportal. Til forbrukernes beste?
(Arbeidsnotat;28/13, Working paper, 2013-08)Selv om norske forbrukere har det dårligste utvalget av dagligvarer i Norden, møter de det høyeste prisnivået. Dagligvaremarkedet i Norge består i hovedsak av fire store grupperinger, og har en konsentrasjon av markedsmakt ... -
Dagsaviser og gratisaviser : konkurranse i tosidige markeder
(Master thesis, 2006)Eksplosjonen i antall gratisaviser er et tegn på en utvikling som snart kan komme til å gjøre seg bemerket i det norske avismarkedet. Gratisavisene stjeler annonsører fra dagsavisene, som opplever økt konkurranse både i ... -
Dairy farmers` values and how their values affect their decision making
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Values affect humans’ perception of situations and problems and guide our actions. The objective of this study was to explore the values of dairy farmers, and whether their values influenced their decisions to maintain ... -
The Danish green certificate system : some simple analytical results
(Working Paper, Working paper, 2001-05)We formulate a simple static equilibrium model for the electricity market taking account of both Green Certificates and CO2-emission permits. The objective is to investigate the relationship between these markets under the ... -
Darwin, recessions and firms : an evolutionary perspective on firms in recessions
(Working paper;05/13, Working paper, 2013-01)Evolutionary theory is well suited for studying how firms are affected by recessions, but little focus has been given, both theoretically and empirically, to this phenomenon. In this paper I draw on evolutionary theory and ... -
Das multilinguale fachsprachliche Korpus TK-NHH - Eine korpus basierte Fallstudie über die explicitation hypothesis anhand von ins Deutsche und Englische übersetzten Rechtstexten
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)The present study is a case study about the explicitation hypothesis in legal transla-tions into German and English by means of a corpus-based approach and will present preliminary findings. After the introduction, I first ... -
Das polyseme Verb als Übersetzungsproblem in einer Fachwendung
(Journal article, 2002) -
Data assimilation into biomass dynamics models : a Monte Carlo simulation experiment
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2001)In this paper, we use a variational data assimilation method to fit biomass dynamics models to simulated data. The method is the variational adjoint technique in which a cost function measuring the distance between the ... -
Data for a steel industry model
(Working paper, Working paper, 2000-12)SNF has recently developed a new model of the steel market and some of the major factor markets connected to the steel industry. The aim of the model has been to study how regulations of the emissions of carbon dioxide ... -
Data presentation form and efficiency in decision making
(Master thesis, 2007)This thesis reviews relevant literature and presents the results of an exploratory experimental study to enhance the understanding of whether - and how - data presentation forms influence decision making effectiveness. ... -
Data presentation formats And decision making effectiveness
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-06)The purpose of this thesis is to enhance the understanding of how data presentation formats may affect managerial decision processes. Compared to previous studies in this area, I have examined decision makers’ need for ... -
Data Reconciliation in Electricity Markets : Implementing and Testing a Physics-Informed Optimization Framework to Correct Data Inconsistencies on the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform
(Master thesis, 2023)Climate goals and geopolitical shifts have forced the European electricity system into transition. High-quality electricity data is a critical success factor for stakeholders in this transition. This thesis examines the ... -
Datadeling i et digitalt plattformøkosystem : En casestudie om hvordan oppdrettsnæringen kan lykkes med datadeling i et digitalt plattformøkosystem
(Master thesis, 2021)I nyere tid har det vokst frem en ny variant av digitale økosystemer, der konkurrerende aktører går sammen for å nå felles mål gjennom datadeling på en digital plattform hvor aktørene oppnår gjensidige fordeler. I litteraturen ... -
Datadrevet innovasjon: Er dataintensiv problemløsing en oppgave for økonomen eller teknologen?
(Master thesis, 2021)I samarbeid med DIG-senteret ved NHH og Knowit har vi i denne oppgaven forsket på hvordan humankapital påvirker evnen til datadrevet innovasjon. Et datadrevet forsikringscase ble benyttet til å generere kreative ideer ... -
The daughter effect : how the sex of offspring influences father’s attitudes toward intimate partner violence : evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
(Master thesis, 2020)Violence against women is to date one the most prevalent and destructive human right violations in the world (UN, 2020). Yet, our understanding of how violent attitudes are shaped and developed, is rather limited (Picon, ... -
The Day-of-the-Week effect at Oslo stock exchange : examining the presence of, and explanations for, the Day-of -the-Week effect in Norway from 2000 to 2019
(Master thesis, 2020)We study the Day-of-the-Week effect in the Norwegian securities market from 2000 to 2019, in which we examine whether daily returns are lower on Monday and higher on Friday than the other days of the week. We find evidence ... -
Dead battery? Wind power, the spot market, and hydro power interaction in the Nordic electricity market
(Discussion paper;2011:16, Working paper, 2011-09)It is well established within both the economics and power system engineering literature that hydro power can act as a complement to large amounts of intermittent energy. In particular, hydro power can act as a "battery" ...