Browsing NHH Brage by Title
Now showing items 6891-6910 of 8341
Strategic investments with spillovers, vertical integration and foreclosure in the broadband access market
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2002-06)We analyse competition between two firms (ISPs) in the retail market for broadband access. One of the firms is vertically integrated and controls the input market for local access. The vertically integrated firm undertakes ... -
Strategic investments with spillovers, vertical integration and foreclosure in the broadband access market
(Working paper, Working paper, 2000-12)We analyze competition between two firms (ISPs) in the retail market for broadband internet connectivity. One of the firms is vertically integrated and controls the input market for local broadband access. The vertically ... -
Strategic issue diagnosis : the roles of organizational scanning, information processing structure of top management teams, and managers' cognitive complexity
(Doctoral thesis, 1998)Managers in organizations are continuously confronted by an array of ambiguous data and -vaguely felt stimuli which they must somehow order, explicate and imbue with meaning before they decide on how to respond. This ... -
Strategic issue diagnosis as a cultural process of paradox and unobstrusive power
(Doctoral thesis, 2003) -
The strategic management and transaction cost nexus : past debates,
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2002-11)The role of transaction cost economics (broadly conceived) in developing research in strategic management has been a hotly debated topic over the last decade. This methodological essay develops the argument that transaction ... -
Strategic mergers & acquisitions : value creation and the market for corporate control
(Doctoral thesis, 1991) -
Strategic Pricing of Commodities
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)We consider a setting where a large number of agents are trading commodity bundles. Assuming that agents of the same type have a certain utility attached to each transaction, we construct a statistical equilibrium which ... -
Strategic pricing of commodities
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2006)In this paper we will consider a setting where a large number of agents are trading commodity bundles. Assuming that agents of the same type have a certain utility attached to each transaction, we construct a statistical ... -
Strategic regulation of a multi-national banking industry
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2002-12)This paper focuses on the consequences of cross-border banking and entry of multi-national bank (MNB) subsidiaries for banking supervision and regulation. When a MNB expands internationally with subsidiaries, the MNB ... -
Strategic regulation policy in the internet
(Working Paper, Working paper, 2004-07)Some countries are net importers while others are net exporters of global backbone access, content and other Internet services. At the same time, input components like local access are non-traded. This paper analyzes a ... -
Strategic Renewal in Established Firms : Exploring Identity Processes in Structurally Ambidextrous Firms
(Master thesis, 2021)The purpose of this thesis is to explore how organizational identity evolves over time in structurally ambidextrous firms. The research is based on a qualitative case study of an established firm operating in the media ... -
Strategic responses of petroleum companies to the oil price drop of 2014 : a multiple-case study on how investment and divestment behavior is shaped by internal and external firm factors
(Master thesis, 2017)The drop in oil prices in 2014 induced various strategic responses among international oil and gas companies. This master thesis explores how petroleum companies responded to the oil price slump in terms of investments ... -
Strategic tax competition : implications of national ownership
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 1999-11)Two jurisdictions compete to capture the rents of a large multinational enterprise (MNE) which invests locally and which is partly owned by local investors. The MNE contributes to local welfare by tax payments and dividends, ... -
Strategic Technology Switching under Risk Aversion and Uncertainty
(Discussion paper;10/17, Working paper, 2017-09-12)Sequential investment opportunities or the presence of a rival typically hasten investment under risk neutrality. By contrast, greater price uncertainty or risk aversion increase the incentive to postpone investment in the ... -
Strategic vs. financial acquirers : an empirical study of differences in premium payments and target company preferences between strategic and financial acquirers in M&A
(Master thesis, 2019)This master thesis examines differences in the takeover strategies between strategic and financial buyers. By using SEC merger filings, we study the phase of transactions that occur before deals are made public. The ... -
Strategies to reduce energy consumption of households in Norway & France : how long term regulation beats large public spending
(Master thesis, 2012)Through a data and qualitative analysis of the French and Norwegian household energy consumption, I argue that the energy price, energy costs, and ownership percentage; interact and strengthen the effect of regulations, ... -
Strategisk analyse av Aker Solutions ASA : en fundamental verdsettelsestilnærming
(Master thesis, 2016)I denne masteroppgaven var målet å avdekke Aker Solutions ASAs konkurranseposisjon ved bruk av en fundamental verdsettelse. Gjennom den strategiske analysen ble det kartlagt at selskapet innehar konkurransefordeler som ... -
Strategisk analyse av en bedrift i entreprenørbransjen : en studie av Ove Skår AS
(Master thesis, 2007)Denne utredningen tar for seg en entreprenørbedrift lokalisert på Østlandet, nærmere bestemt i Sarpsborg. Bedriften har siden 1995 gått fra å være et lite byggmesterfirma til å bli et lønnsomt og godt drevet entreprenørfirma ... -
En strategisk analyse av et taxiselskap i Danmark : en casestudie av 4x48 TaxiNord
(Master thesis, 2012)Danmark ble hardt rammet av finanskrisen, og er fortsatt påvirket av dette. Taxibransjen merket i stor grad denne krisen. Jeg går inn i dybden av taxibransjen i Region Hovedstaden ved å se på taxiselskapet 4x48TaxiNord. ... -
Strategisk analyse og verdivurdering av Marine Harvest
(Master thesis, 2009)Formålet med denne utredningen er å komme frem til en begrunnet vurdering av markedsverdien av totalkapitalen og egenkapitalen til Marine Harvest, og således vurdere hvorvidt selskapet er over- eller underpriset i dagens ...