Blar i Working papers (SNF) på forfatter "Shaffer, Greg"
Mergers and partial ownership
Foros, Øystein; Kind, Hans Jarle; Shaffer, Greg (Working paper, Working paper, 2010-01)In this paper we compare the profitability of a merger to the profitability of a partial ownership arrangement and find that partial ownership arrangements can be more profitable for the acquiring and acquired firm because ... -
Turning the page on business formats for digital platforms : does Apple's agency model soften competition?
Foros, Øystein; Kind, Hans Jarle; Shaffer, Greg (Working paper;06/14, Working paper, 2014-04)The agency model used by Apple and other platform providers such as Google allows upstream rms (content providers like book publishers and developers of apps) to choose the retail prices of their products (RPM) subject ...