Now showing items 341-360 of 809

    • Eldre sykehuspasienter og det kommunale pleie- og omsorgstilbudet 

      Holmås, Tor Helge; Kjerstad, Egil; Kristiansen, Frode; Lurås, Hilde (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2007-03)
      Dette notatet dokumenter resultater fra ett av flere arbeider som hadde som formål å evaluere effekter av sykehusreformen. Målet med reformen, som ble gjennomført fra 1. januar 2002, var å legge grunnlaget for en helhetlig ...
    • The premium of marine protected areas : a simple valuation model 

      Kvamsdal, Sturla Furunes; Sandal, Leif Kristoffer (Working paper, Working paper, 2007-03)
      Marine Protected Areas are considered as a hedging tool against some of the uncertainties that trouble many fisheries today. Such tools are always connected with a cost; a premium. An optimal harvest rule is combined with ...
    • Long term care and hospital length of stay for elderly patients 

      Holmås, Tor Helge; Kjerstad, Egil; Kristiansen, Frode; Lurås, Hilde (Working paper, Working paper, 2007-04)
      The proportion of elderly people in the population is increasing and old patients’ bed occupancy rate in hospitals increases as a fraction of total bed occupancy. Because old patients, on average, are frailer than other ...
    • A Descriptive Analysis of the Seafood Market in Sweden 

      Lorentzen, Torbjørn (Working paper, Working paper, 2007-03)
      The background for the paper is the analysis of determinants influencing the Norwegian export of smoked salmon to Sweden. The conditions for export of smoked salmon from Norway have deteriorated after Sweden became a member ...
    • A statistical analysis of the swedish import of smoked salmon from Norway 

      Lorentzen, Torbjørn (Working paper, Working paper, 2007-03)
      The analysis adresses the question of whether Sweden's membership in the EU has had any influence on the import of smoked salmon from Norway. After Sweden became a member of EU in 1995, the trade conditions changed from ...
    • Competition for viewers and advertisers in a tv oligopoly 

      Kind, Hans Jarle; Nilssen, Tore; Sørgard, Lars (Working paper, Working paper, 2006-12)
      We consider a model of a TV oligopoly where TV channels transmit advertising and viewers dislike such commercials. We show that advertisers make a lower profit the larger the number of TV channels. If TV channels are ...
    • Cheating about the cod 

      Hannesson, Rögnvaldur (Working paper, Working paper, 2006-12)
      The Northeast Arctic cod is managed by a total quota shared evenly between Norway and Russia. It appears that Russia has been overfishing its quota by substantial amounts for a number of years, due to insufficient monitoring ...
    • Bør kommuner kjøpe helseforsikring 

      Askildsen, Jan Erik; Holmås, Tor Helge; Nordanger, Lene Kristin (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2006-12)
      Private helseforsikringer har så langt hatt et relativt beskjedent omfang i Norge, også sammenliknet med våre skandinaviske naboland. Den viktigste årsaken til at relativt få tegner private forsikringer mot sykdom, er ...
    • Newspapers and advertising : the effects of ad-valorem taxation under duopoly 

      Kind, Hans Jarle; Schjelderup, Guttorm; Stähler, Frank (Working paper, Working paper, 2006-12)
      Newspapers are two-sided platforms that sell their product both to readers and to advertisers. Media firms in general, and newspapers in particular, are considered important providers of information, culture and language ...
    • Advertising and newspaper differentiation : on the role of readers’ advertising taste 

      Kind, Hans Jarle; Koethenbuerger, Marko; Schjelderup, Guttorm (Working paper, Working paper, 2006-12)
      Newspapers have an incentive to moderate their profile in order to gain a larger readership and thus higher advertising revenue. We show that this incentive is weakened both if readers are ad-haters and if they are ad-lovers.
    • Economy-wide costs of food trade restrictions : the case of Norway 

      Gaasland, Ivar (Working paper, Working paper, 2006-11)
      Using a partial equilibrium model, the economic cost of the Norwegian agricultural policy is estimated to 1.3% of GDP. General equilibrium calculations elevate the cost estimate to between 1.6% and 3.6%. Thus, the agricultural ...
    • Hordaland på nett - en analyse av kommunenes websider 

      Stensheim, Ingvill; Rusten, Grete (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2006-12)
      Denne studien er en analyse av hjemmesidene til kommunene i Hordaland i 2006, og en oppfølger av en tilsvarende analyse som vi utførte for Hordaland fylkeskommune i 2003. Formålet med studien var i 2003 å få økt oppmerksomhet ...
    • Gender wage gap studies : consistency and decomposition 

      Kunze, Astrid (Working paper, Working paper, 2006-12)
      This paper reviews the empirical literature on the gender wage gap, with particular attention given to the identification of the key parameters in human capital wage regression models. This is of great importance in the ...
    • Taxation in two-sided markets 

      Kind, Hans Jarle; Koethenbuerger, Marko; Schjelderup, Guttorm (Working paper, Working paper, 2006-11)
      Two-sided platform firms serve distinct groups that are connected through interdependent demand, and include major businesses such as the media industry, banking, and the software industry. A well-known textbook result in ...
    • Fishermen’s compliance : a dynamic model 

      Nøstbakken, Linda (Working paper, Working paper, 2006-11)
      In this paper, a dynamic model of fishermen's compliance is developed and used to analyse several issues. There are two parties involved in the fishery; the regulator and the fishermen. The regulator takes on a long term ...
    • Ethics vs. profits in the management of petroleum resources 

      Nese, Gjermund (Working paper, Working paper, 2006-11)
      Many of the decisions made by policy makers today may affect not only the people belonging to the present generation, but can have long-term effects that reach far into the future and thus significantly affect the life of ...
    • Aquaculture development in Asia : current status, economics and future outlook 

      Dey, Madan Mohan; Sheriff, Natasja; Bjørndal, Trond (Working paper, Working paper, 2006-11)
      The purpose of this article is to analyse aquaculture development in selected Asian countries. The contribution of Asia to world aquaculture will be documented. In Asia, different culture systems are practised and numerous ...
    • Regulation and pricing of pharmaceuticals : reference pricing or price cap regulation? 

      Brekke, Kurt Richard; Grasdal, Astrid Louise; Holmås, Tor Helge (Working paper, Working paper, 2006-11)
      We study the relationship between regulatory regimes and pharmaceutical firms pricing strategies using a unique policy experiment from Norway, which in 2003 introduced a reference price (RP) system called “index pricing” ...
    • Is there a demand response by patients in primary care? 

      Holmås, Tor Helge; Kaarbøe, Oddvar M. (Working paper, Working paper, 2006-11)
      We test whether a demand response by patients exists in the Norwegian primary care sector. In Norway, physicians are remunerated either by salary or by incentive contract, and we have access to a large data survey that ...
    • Harmonization of corporate tax systems and its effect on collusive behavior 

      Schindler, Dirk; Schjelderup, Guttorm (Working paper, Working paper, 2006-10)
      We study how harmonization of corporate tax systems affects the stability of international cartels. We show that tax base harmonization reinforces collusive agreements, while harmonization of corporate tax rates may ...