Viser treff 241-260 av 809

    • Insentiver til investeringer i forskning og utvikling 

      Mjørlund, Rune; Skjeret, Frode André (2009:36, Working paper, 2009-12)
      Arbeidsnotatet diskuterer i lys av økonomisk teori insentiver til investeringer i forskning og utvikling. Vi ser spesielt på tilfellet hvor det er ønskelig at flere aktører gis insentiver til å samarbeide om investeringer ...
    • NUF. Et verktøy for økonomisk kriminalitet? 

      Lamøy, Erik; Pettersen, Torstein Klokk (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2009-09)
      Sammendrag Denne utredningen tar for seg mulighetene for økonomisk kriminalitet ved bruk av selskapsformen norskregistrert utenlandsk foretak (NUF). Selv om selskapsformen i seg selv ikke er ny, har den blitt meget populær ...
    • The effects of variety and bundling on choice and satisfaction: Applications to new telecommunication and media services 

      Pedersen, Per E.; Nysveen, Herbjørn (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-11)
      The purpose of this working paper is twofold; 1)to review consumer behavior literature on how assortment variety and bundling influence choice related variables, and 2)to apply this review on an analysis of telecommunication ...
    • Gjeldsfinansiering av immaterielle investeringer 

      Berg, Merete Fiskvik; Bjugstad, Marit (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2009-08)
      Denne utredningen omhandler gjeldsfinansiering av immaterielle investeringer. Hypotesen som ligger til grunn for arbeidet er at det er vanskelig å pantsette, og dermed lånefinansiere, slike investeringer. FoU antas å fungere ...
    • State-of-the-art research : reflections on a concerted Nordic-Baltic nuclear energy effort 

      Husdal, Lars; Tveit, Jesper; Vaagen, Jan S.; Ridikas, Danas (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-09)
      Quite a few hold the view that nuclear energy will have its renaissance in the not too distant future. Technology is, however, a necessary, but not sufficient condition. The needed prerequisites represent a complex issue. ...
    • Developing social capital through the SLU leadership development program 

      Stensaker, Inger G.; Kjøde, Arne; Kvitastein, Olav Andreas (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-07)
      This report is one of several reports within the GOLD research project at SNF. The research project aims to identify tools and techniques applied by Norwegian-based multinational companies that seek to develop a competitive ...
    • Klimaendringer og havbruk 

      Steinshamn, Stein Ivar (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2009-09)
      Vi ser på noen mulige konsekvenser av klimaendringer, og spesielt temperaturøkning som følge av global oppvarming, på havbrukssektoren. Dette blir gjort ved at en først går gjennom litteraturen på området og oppsummerer ...
    • Dokumentasjon og kvalitetssikring av SNFs og NHHs database med regnskaps- og foretaksinformasjon for norske selskaper 

      Mjøs, Aksel; Øksnes, Karoline (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2009-10)
      Formålet med denne rapporten og de tilhørende datafilene med regnskapsdata er å dokumentere og kvalitetssikre den databasen som brukes av Samfunns- og næringslivsforskning AS (SNF) og Norges Handelshøyskole (NHH) i forskning ...
    • Is labor mobility a channel for spillovers from multinationals? : evidence from Norwegian manufacturing 

      Balsvik, Ragnhild (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-07)
      This paper documents labor mobility flows from multinationals (MNEs) to non-MNEs in Norwegian manufacturing during the 1990s. 14,400 workers in MNEs move to non-MNEs during this period. By the year 2000, 28 percent of the ...
    • Measuring the extent of technical inefficiency in Nepalese agriculture using SDF and DEA models 

      Adhikari, Chandra Bahadur; Bjørndal, Trond (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-09)
      Alleviation of poverty is a central issue in Nepal. Given the limited stock of land, and the infant/unorganised manufacturing sector, increased demand for food has to be satisfied by improving production efficiency. This ...
    • Can land reform be an effective approach to alleviate poverty and inequality in Nepal? 

      Adhikari, Chandra Bahadur; Bjørndal, Trond (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-09)
      Land is the main source of income and consumption for the Nepalese people. This study analyses the economic relationship between access to land and poverty in Nepal by establishing the link between land and consumption as ...
    • Picking “lemons” or “cherries”? : domestic and foreign acquisitions in Norwegian manufacturing 

      Balsvik, Ragnhild; Haller, Stefanie A. (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-06)
      We compare the performance in employment, wages and productivity for domestic plants acquired by new domestic and foreign owners. Prospective foreign owners pick large, high-wage, high-productivity plants, while new domestic ...
    • Tax responses in platform industries 

      Kind, Hans Jarle; Koethenbuerger, Marko; Schjelderup, Guttorm (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-07)
      Two-sided platform firms serve distinct customer groups that are connected through interdependent demand, and include major businesses such as the media industry, banking, and the software industry. A well known result of ...
    • Specialisation strategies in Norwegian shipping : a Vernon product cycle approach 

      Tenold, Stig (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-06)
      One of the most important developments in the postwar shipping industry from the 1960s onwards has been the introduction of specialised ship types that have gained market shares in the transport of a large number of cargoes. ...
    • Norwegian investments in specialised shipping : an exploration of the formative period, 1960-1977 

      Tenold, Stig (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-06)
      In the 1970s and 1980s, as world shipping was in crisis, some Norwegian companies coped relatively well on the basis of participation in specialised segments, for instance car transports, gas, cruise and chemical shipping. ...
    • Making the transition from a multi-domestic to a glocal strategy : The Initial Phase of Rieber & Søn’s Purchasing Transformation Project 

      Gooderham, Paul N.; Rønning, Rune (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-06)
      The immediate purpose of this paper is to assess the progress Rieber & Søn had made with the initial phase of a project aimed at significantly integrating its international purchasing operations. This purchasing project ...
    • Continuous harvesting costs in sole-owner fisheries with increasing marginal returns 

      Sandal, Leif Kristoffer; Steinshamn, Stein Ivar; Maroto, Jose M.; Moran, Manuel (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-06)
      We develop a bioeconomic model to analyze a sole-owner fishery with fixed costs as well as a continuous cost function for the generalized Cobb-Douglas production function with increasing marginal returns to effort level. ...
    • The double challenge of AFF 

      Rønning, Rune; Gooderham, Paul N.; Stensaker, Inger G. (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-05)
      This paper explores the present status and future options of a Norwegian management consultancy company, AFF, with respect to serving Norwegian multinational enterprises (MNEs). The case of AFF is also employed to illustrate ...
    • Regulations, risk, and rent seeking behaviour 

      Bergfjord, Ole Jakob; Brandt, Urs Steiner (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-06)
      This paper seeks to address how political risk influences behaviour, in particular rent seeking behaviour. Such risk is important in many industries, which posts challenges both for policy makers and economic agents. This ...
    • Family stability and labor market gender convergence 

      Grytten, Ola Honningdal; Hunnes, Arngrim (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-05)
      The present paper examines the historical development in the structure of the family in terms of marriage, divorce, fertility and labor 1886/2007 in order to map quantitative changes. The paper draws new information from ...