Viser treff 261-280 av 809

    • The impact of leadership development upon exchange and combination of knowledge 

      Espedal, Bjarne; Jordahl, Atle (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-05)
      The paper studies how and to what extent leadership development enables exchange and combination of knowledge in organizations. This investigation is based on data from Yara International ASA.
    • Hvordan påvirker termineringsavgifter små mobiloperatører som One Call? 

      Ryland, Martine (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2009-03)
      I denne utredningen vurderer jeg hvordan termineringsavgifter påvirker små mobiloperatører som One Call. Først ser jeg på utviklingen i mobilmarkedet generelt, for så å fokusere på One Call. Jeg ser på selskapets pris- og ...
    • Network competition : empirical evidence on mobile termination rates and profitability 

      Andersson, Kjetil; Hansen, Bjørn (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-04)
      We analyze a model of multi firm competition between mobile network operators. The model assumes inelastic usage demand and full penetration, and allows for asymmetric termination rates, differences in marginal costs and ...
    • Performance appraisal and career opportunities : a case study 

      Mohn, Klaus; Kvaløy, Ola; Hunnes, Arngrim (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-03)
      Based on powerful survey data from an international oil company in Norway, we explore perceptions of performance appraisal and career opportunities among leaders and employees. Perceptions indicate that performance and ...
    • Capacity adjustment and drivers of investment in a fishery with tradable output quotas 

      Nøstbakken, Linda (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-03)
      In this study, I analyse what drives investment and capital development, and hence the development of fishing capacity in a well-managed fishery. An empirical analysis of drivers of firm-level investment in the Norwegian ...
    • The global market for tilapia : one or several 

      Norman-López, Ana; Bjørndal, Trond (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-05)
      Tilapia is one of the fastest growing aquaculture species in the world. It is produced and consumed in all continents and in more countries than most other species, making the market more heterogeneous than for other ...
    • Customer ignorance, price cap regulation and rent-seeking in mobile roaming 

      Ambjørnsen, Terje; Foros, Øystein; Wasenden, Ole-Christian B. (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-03)
      Mobile phone usage when travelling abroad is expensive. In contrast to domestic voice call prices, entry of new firms does not put a downward wholesale and retail price pressure on mobile usage abroad. The network connection ...
    • Market shares in two-sided media industries 

      Kind, Hans Jarle; Stähler, Frank (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-03)
      This paper generalizes the frequently used Hotelling model for two-sided markets in order to determine the equilibrium market shares. We show that independent of whether consumers are uniformly or non-uniformly distributed, ...
    • Operational expressions for the marginal cost of indirect taxation when merit arguments matter 

      Schroyen, Fred (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-02)
      Marginal indirect tax reform analysis evaluates for each commodity (group) the marginal welfare cost (MC) of increasing government revenue by one Euro by raising the indirect tax rate on that commodity. In this paper, I ...
    • The values of relative risk aversion and prudence : a context-free interpretation 

      Eeckhoudt, Louis; Etner, Johanna; Schroyen, Fred (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-02)
      In this paper we apply to multiplicative lotteries the idea of preference for “harm disaggregation” that was used for additive lotteries in order to interpret the signs of successive derivatives of a utility function. In ...
    • The television industry as a market of attention 

      Nilssen, Tore (Working paper, Working paper, 2008-10)
      In this article, I view the TV industry as a two-sided market, with advertisers on one side benefiting from the presence of TV viewers and on the other side TV viewers having a dislike for advertising on TV. I use this ...
    • Markedssvikt i TV-markedet og behovet for offentlige kanaler : sett i lys av digitaliseringen av bakkenettet 

      Lerbrekk, Johanne Reiestad (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2009-02)
      Gjennom denne utredningen har jeg forsøkt å gi et svar på hvorvidt det fremdeles vil være behov for NRK, som en offentlig allmennkringkaster, etter lanseringen av det digitale bakkenettet. Allmennkringkasting kan forstås ...
    • Muligheter og utfordringer i fremtidens rubrikkmarked på internett 

      Danielsen, Morten; Frøysok, Magnus (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2009-02)
      Denne masterutredningen tar for seg muligheter og utfordringer i det internettbaserte rubrikkmarkedet. Den ser på teknologiutvikling på internett og utvikling av teknologiske plattformer samt konsumenter sin tilbøyelighet ...
    • Should utility-reducing media advertising be taxed? 

      Kind, Hans Jarle; Koethenbuerger, Marko; Schjelderup, Guttorm (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-03)
      Empirical evidence suggests that people dislike ads in media products like TV programs. In such situations standard economic theory prescribes that the advertising volume can be optimally reduced by levying a tax on ads. ...
    • Economic integration and the relationship between profit and wage taxes 

      Haufler, Andreas; Klemm, Alexander; Schjelderup, Guttorm (Working paper, Working paper, 2008-08)
      This paper analyzes the development of the ratio of corporate taxes to wage taxes using a simple political economy model with workers and capitalists that own internationally mobile and immobile firms. Among other results, ...
    • Social capital and organizational practice 

      Rønning, Rune (Working paper, Working paper, 2008-11)
      There is need of a theory of social capital capable of informing practice in firms aiming to develop social capital. Nahapiet and Ghoshal’s (1998) paper on the relationship between social capital and intellectual capital ...
    • Consequences of climate change for some segments of the Norwegian fishing fleet 

      Ekerhovd, Nils-Arne (Working paper, Working paper, 2008-12)
      This paper identifies the possible effects of climate change on fish stocks important for the Norwegian fishing fleet along with information on the Norwegian harvest pattern in the past can tell us something about the ...
    • The Norwegian winter herring fishery : a story of collapse and technological progress 

      Hannesson, Rögnvaldur (Working paper, Working paper, 2008-12)
      This paper uses data from early 20th century to 1971 to estimate a production function for the Norwegian winter herring fishery, which collapsed in the early 1970s. The focus is on technological progress and the sensitivity ...
    • Nyttekostnadsanalyse av nytt dobbeltspor Oslo S – Ski 

      Andersen, Christian; Andersen, Terje (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2008-12)
      Dette arbeidsnotatet inneholder en nytte-kostnadsanalyse av nytt dobbeltspor mellom Oslo S og Ski stasjon. Notatet er en del av rapporteringen fra et prosjekt, gjennomført for Jernbaneverket av Det Norske Veritas, Møreforskning ...
    • Climate change and the blue whiting agreement 

      Ekerhovd, Nils-Arne (Working paper, Working paper, 2008-10)
      This paper investigates the formation, stability and success of an agreement between the coastal states on the management of the blue whiting fishery under two opposing assumption about the distribution of the stock, based ...