Browsing Thesis by Title
Now showing items 919-938 of 4559
Does the e-retailing of luxury brands really damage their brand image?
(Master thesis, 2014)With an increasing focus on e-commerce and the lack of research in the respected area within the luxury industry the underlying thesis assumes particular relevance. The main concern was to contribute to existing theory ... -
Does the Market Emphasize Violation of Green Commitment? A comparison of stock price response to negative ESG incidents between companies that have issued a green vs. conventional bond
(Master thesis, 2022)This thesis examines the difference in stock price response to ESG incidents between green and conventional bond issuers. By using exact and nearest-neighbor matching on a sample of 86 green bond issuers and 177 conventional ... -
Does the market reward exceptional environmental performance? : an event study of the WilderHill New Energy Global Innovation Index
(Master thesis, 2020)This thesis studies if the market rewards exceptional environmental performance. To do this, we examine whether inclusion in the WilderHill New Energy Global Innovation Index (NEX) yields positive abnormal returns and ... -
Does the ownership of CEOs affect their compensation? : a study of the link between ownership structures and CEO pay in unlisted Norwegian shipping and sea transport companies.
(Master thesis, 2019)This master’s thesis studies the link between ownership structures and CEO compensation in unlisted Norwegian shipping and sea transport firms. The objective is to examine differences in total pay and pay-performance ... -
Does the wealth tax discourage individual savings? Evidences from Norway
(Master thesis, 2021)Wealth taxation is a widely debated topic, especially in the context of rising inequality. Empirical research covering the behavioural effects of this tax is relatively new, and the results in a Norwegian context are ... -
Does transparency impact market liquidity? : evidence from the European Union and United States equity markets
(Master thesis, 2021)We find evidence for increased market transparency to have a positive effect on equity market liquidity. Using data from EU and US equity markets, we estimate the effect of the implementation of the Markets in Financial ... -
DOF ASA : an offshore service company organized for expansion
(Master thesis, 2010)The purpose of this thesis is a valuation of DOF ASA with a thorough analysis of the offshore service market. The valuation is based on public available information up until November 2010, and discussions with CFO Hilde ... -
DOF ASA : Strategisk regnskapsanalyse og fundamental verdsettelse
(Master thesis, 2017)I denne masterutredningen er formålet å estimere markedsverdien av egenkapitalen til DOF ASA per 31.12.2016. Dette utføres gjennom en strategisk regnskapsanalyse og fundamental verdsettelse av offshorerederiet. Utredningen ... -
DOF group asa : en strategisk regnskapsanalyse og fundamental verdsettelse
(Master thesis, 2014)I denne masterutredningen utføres en strategisk regnskapsanalyse og fundamental verdsettelse av offshorerederiet DOF ASA. Utredningen bygger på offentlig tilgjengelig informasjon og har som formål å analysere de underliggende ... -
Doing it the smart way : an exploration of consumer adoption of new practices enabled by smart products
(Master thesis, 2018)Products across categories are increasingly being attributed with the adjective smart. Today, consumers are thus able to purchase everything from smart phones to smart refrigerators and smart toothbrushes. These products ... -
Doing well by doing good investigating the potential of impact investing in public equities
(Master thesis, 2018)Impact investing is one of the latest innovations in the realm of responsible investment strategies. The industry has seen exponential growth since the term was coined in 2007 but is now held back by unclear boundaries ... -
Doing well while doing what? An empirical analysis of exclusionary screening of the Norwegian Pension Fund Global on excluded companies’ returns from 2005 to 2022
(Master thesis, 2022)This thesis investigates whether the excluded companies from the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global (“GPFG” - “The Fund”) investment universe delivers superior excess returns (alpha). The ethical-based exclusionary ... -
Domestic vs Cross-Border M&A in the Nordics : An empirical study of value creation, distribution, and the cross-border effect on shareholders wealth
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis investigates cross-border wealth effects in Nordic mergers and acquisitions (M&As), utilizing short-run event study methodology on a sample of 276 transactions from 2003 to 2023. This investigation is performed ... -
Domino´s Pizza sitt oppkjøp av Dolly Dimple´s : hvordan ble de viktigste ressursene Domino´s Pizza tilegnet seg fra oppkjøpet av Dolly Dimple´s Norge AS, ivaretatt gjennom integrasjonsprosessen?
(Master thesis, 2017)Denne utredningen har som formål å se på hvordan Domino´s Pizza klarer å ta med seg de viktigste ressursene fra oppkjøpet av Dolly Dimple´s inn i egen organisasjon. Her fokuserer jeg på ressursene nettverk av lokaler, ... -
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket – spread them around! Diversification using alternative assets and the benefits of hand- picking parameters for portfolio models
(Master thesis, 2022)After the global financial crisis, alternative assets have become increasingly popular as an investment option due to their potential to generate higher returns and abilities to diversify portfolios. This thesis studies ... -
Drivere av lojalitet : en teoretisk og praktisk tilnærming
(Master thesis, 2007)I denne utredningen ønsker vi å videreutvikle Rusbults (1980a) investeringsmodell for å bedre kunne fange opp de ulike driverne for lojalitet til et merke. I tillegg til tilfredshet, størrelse på investeringer og kvalitet ... -
Drivere bak etterspørselen etter billetter til Lerkendal stadion
(Master thesis, 2024)For å i større grad vite hva som driver etterspørselen etter billetter til Lerkendal stadion, har denne oppgaven som mål å analysere akkurat dette. Oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i billettsalgsdata fra Rosenborg Ballklub i ... -
Drivkreftene bak opplagsutviklingen til en landsdekkende norsk tabloidavis : en økonometrisk tidsserieanalyse av Verdens Gang fra 1978 til 2009
(Master thesis, 2011)I denne utredningen studeres årsakene bak opplagsutviklingen til VG fra 1978 til 2009. Dette gjøres ved å gjennomføre en økonometrisk analyse av tidsseriedata. Forfatterne finner at i underkant av 60 % av opplagsutviklingen ... -
Dry bulk shipping and business cycles
(Master thesis, 2010)This thesis studies short- and long-term relationships between freight rates in dry bulk shipping and business cycles. The analysis combines a theoretical specification of the market with an econometric approach to study ... -
Dual Citizenship and the Directive on Administrative Cooperation(DAC6) of the European Union : An empirical study on dual citizenship as a method of regulatory arbitrage
(Master thesis, 2021)The DAC6 directive was introduced by the EU in the year 2018 with a policy objective to increase the effectiveness in tackling cross-border tax avoidance and evasion. Dual citizenship is one of the methods of achieving ...