Browsing Thesis by Title
Now showing items 4295-4314 of 4578
V indkraft og hydrogen i nnovativ di versifisering for økonomisk levedyktighet : Lønnsomhetseffekten av hydrogenproduksjon hos nordiske vindkraftprodusenter i 2015 til 2022 : en beslutningsanalyse
(Master thesis, 2023)I denne oppgaven adresseres lønnsomhetsutfordringen vindkraftprodusenter står ovenfor som følge av vindens uregulerbare natur. Hovedmålet med studien er å avgjøre hvorvidt vindkraftprodusenter kan diversifisere inntekten ... -
Valg av salgskanal ved salg av bolig : lønner det seg å selge selv eller med hjelp av eiendomsmegler?
(Master thesis, 2014)Denne utredningen undersøker om det er lønnsomt å bruke eiendomsmegler eller foreta salg selv ved omsetning av bolig i Norge. Jeg har gjennomført en kost-nytte-analyse ved å sammenligne gjennomsnittlige kvadratmeterpriser ... -
Valg av selskapsform for aktive eierfond i Norge : implikasjoner for de norske såkornfondordningene
(Master thesis, 2010)Den norske stat har i to omganger bidratt til etablering av aktive eierfond gjennom De Norske Såkornfondordningene. Denne utredningen viser konsekvensene av at fondene underlagt ordningene er organisert som Aksjeselskap, ... -
Valg: en velsignelse eller forbannelse?: effekten av fondsguide på salg av investeringsfond
(Master thesis, 2015)I takt med et stadig økende spekter av mulige produkt- og tjenestevarianter vokser også vår frihet til å velge blant de ulike alternativer. Denne eksplosjonen av nye produkter er ment å gi oss muligheten til å velge ... -
Valuation and financial analysis of Farstad Shipping ASA
(Master thesis, 2011)This paper analyses the fundamental value of Farstad Shipping ASA, a leading offshore supply vessel (OSV) firm. Based on a strategic and financial analysis; trading range is found to be 130-190 NOK. The primary valuation ... -
Valuation and financial analysis of Salmar ASA
(Master thesis, 2019)The purpose of this master's thesis is to estimate a theoretical equity value of SalMar ASA and thereby value per share on 26.04.2019. The valuation was mainly based on a fundamental valuation, supplemented by a method ... -
Valuation in emerging markets : how to adjust the cost of capital for country risk
(Master thesis, 2006)In this paper, we conduct valuations on four Argentine companies, all registered on the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange. Our goal is to investigate how to best calculate the relevant cost of capital in emerging markets. We ... -
A valuation model of deferred callability in defaultable debt
(Master thesis, 2010)In this thesis a model is developed for valuing risky perpetual debt with an embedded American call option that can be exercised after a protection period. These features are relevant for a hybrid capital ... -
Valuation of Attendo AB : a fundamental analysis of a nordic healthcare company
(Master thesis, 2019)The objective of this thesis is to estimate the intrinsic value of Attendo AB using fundamental analysis by applying a discounted cash flow valuation using the weighted average cost of capital method. A relative valuation ... -
Valuation of extension options on offshore rig contracts on the NCS
(Master thesis, 2018)Offshore rigs are a necessary tool in exploration and development projects in the oil and gas industry. The offshore rig market is unique in the way that the majority of the rig fleet is owned by independent rig firms ... -
Valuation of First Solar Inc. : a fundamental analysis of a solar company
(Master thesis, 2017)The thesis conducts analysis and valuation of First Solar Inc, a renowned U.S. based solar company. The study employs theory in valuation and practical insights in profession to gauge a fair value estimate for First Solar ... -
Valuation of football players : a complete pricing framework
(Master thesis, 2011)In this thesis we will describe a football player’s value to a football club. First we will explore how a player can generate revenue. In doing so, we will describe two valuation factors, where a football player can ... -
Valuation of Grieg Seafood ASA
(Master thesis, 2016)Introduction of Grieg Seafood Grieg seafood is one of the leading Norwegian salmon farming companies, in regards to both harvested volume and production. They also have operations in other regions such as Shetland and ... -
Valuation of Heineken N.V. : a fundamental analysis of a Dutch beer company
(Master thesis, 2020)The main objective of this paper is to determine the intrinsic value of one Heineken share as of May 15, 2020. The primary method that is used in order to achieve this objective is fundamental valuation (absolute valuation). ... -
Valuation of Marine Harvest: fundamental analysis of the value of Marine Harvest ASA
(Master thesis, 2015)This thesis examines the value of Marine Harvest ASA per December 17, 2015. The analysis was performed by using fundamental and relative valuation approaches and the assumptions made in the analysis was made on the basis ... -
Valuation of Nel Hydrogen ASA
(Master thesis, 2018)With today’s problem of Global Emission and rise in Greenhouse gas, they way how economy depends on conventional sources of energy must change. To solve this problem several governments and NGOs are shifting focus on ... -
Valuation of Novo Nordisk A/S : a focused pharmaceutical company
(Master thesis, 2016)In this paper I have conducted a comprehensive analysis of Novo Nordisk A/S. Based on reputable valuation methodologies like Free Cash Flows to Equity by the means of a scenario analysis and a comparable multiples approach ... -
Valuation of Ocean Yield ASA : A fundamental analysis and valuation of Ocean Yield ASA
(Master thesis, 2021)This thesis aims to value the equity of Ocean Yield ASA. With a bottom-up approach, each vessel in the fleet is valued based on the contracted backlog of charter hire and the expected sales price from purchase obligations ... -
Valuation of Oslo Klatresenter AS : a fundamental analysis of a Norwegian climbing gym company
(Master thesis, 2021)The main goal of this master thesis is to estimate the intrinsic value of one share in Oslo Klatresenter AS as of the 2nd of May 2021. The fundamental valuation technique of adjusted present value was selected as the ... -
Valuation of real options : construction of a model to evaluate real investment projects
(Master thesis, 2008)In this thesis I use two existing models to construct a model that can evaluate the exploration phase and the production phase of a real investment project simultaneously. I assume that the value of the production phase ...