Browsing Thesis by Title
Now showing items 1589-1608 of 4448
The Game Theory of Penalty Kicks : A framework for approximating Nash equilibria
(Master thesis, 2023)This paper presents a game-theoretic analysis of penalty kicks in football. There must exist a Nash equilibrium in penalty kicks, but the nature of it depends on the unique abilities of the penalty taker and the goalkeeper. ... -
Gamification: A platform for transitioning from Goods - dominant logic to Service - dominant logic : Case of Nike+ Fuelband
(Master thesis, 2014)This master thesis attempts to investigate gamifi cation strategies used in Nike+ Fuelband and its importance for transitioni ng from conventional goods domi nant logic to a new approach in marketing , service ... -
Garanterte spareprodukter: “Nærmere hele sannheten?”
(Master thesis, 2010)Denne utredningen baserer seg på rettsaken mellom Ivar Petter Røeggen og DnB Nor. Der Røeggen tapte 266 167 kroner på å følge bankens råd om og lånefinansiere en investering i to av DnB Nors garanterte spareprodukter. ... -
Gavegivning i norske bedrifter : determinanter for intensjoner om bruk av digitale veldedighetsgavekort til ansatte : en studie av Gi gaven videre
(Master thesis, 2020)Denne avhandlingen er skrevet som et samarbeid med non-profit selskapet Gi Gaven Videre, og temaet for avhandlingen er gavegivning i norske bedrifter. Gi Gaven Videre er en tilbyder av digitale veldedighetsgavekort hvor ... -
Går samfunnet i pluss med plusskunder? : en litteraturstudie av plusskunders samfunnsøkonomiske verdi i Norge, hvilken utvikling man kan forvente i antall plusskunder fremover og betydning for regulering
(Master thesis, 2017)Plusskunder er et relativt nytt fenomen i Norge og en ser allerede i dag vekst i dette segmentet. Det er derfor av stor interesse å undersøke hvilke virkninger plusskunder vil ha for kraftsystemet og samfunnet for øvrig. ... -
GE Money Bank in Norway : competitor analysis in auto market
(Master thesis, 2006)In this Sivilokonom study the financial industry in Norway is analysed and a competitor analysis in AUTO market is performed for GE Money Bank. The industry analysis is based on the M. Porter’s Five Forces Framework, which ... -
Gender differences and the effect of remote working during the covid-19 pandemic : an empirical analysis of remote working and its impact on performance in the American mutual fund industry
(Master thesis, 2020)During the COVID-19 pandemic, forced remote working has been an important tool for authorities all over the world attempting to stop the spread of the virus. Looking at gender, early reports indicate a disproportionate ... -
Gender differences in the labour market : explaining the gender wage gap : empirical evidence from Norway
(Master thesis, 2020)This master´s thesis aims to investigate potential sources of the gender wage gap using Norwegian register data on the full population. First, I seek to understand to what extent traditional human capital factors and ... -
Gender differences in the nordic mutual fund industry empirical evidence from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden
(Master thesis, 2017)In this thesis, we investigate gender difference across Nordic mutual fund managers. We analyse a data set free of survivorship bias, consisting of 430 Nordic singlemanaged mutual funds in the period January 2005 to June ... -
Gender diversity among top executives and firm financial performance : empirical evidence from Norwegian-listed firms 2010-2016
(Master thesis, 2019)There exists a gender gap in top executive positions today. Research has shown that gender diversity may have a positive impact on firm financial performance. This thesis aims to investigate the relationship between gender ... -
Gender diversity and firm performance : evidence from Norway 2010-2014
(Master thesis, 2017)The aim of this master’s thesis is to investigate the impact of gender diversity in firms on firm performance using data from Norwegian firms and municipalities. Gender diversity is measured using three regional gender ... -
Gender Diversity and Its Effects on Arms Embargo Violations : Prediction Probability of Embargo Violations With Company Board Diversity
(Master thesis, 2021)The research conducted in this report seeks to uncover the effects diversity in corporate board of directors have on the illegal sales of weapons to countries experiencing U.N arms embargoes. From our analysis and for the ... -
Gender Diversity in the Norwegian Energy Sector and its Development : A descriptive and explanatory study
(Master thesis, 2022)Using Norwegian register data accessed through, this thesis seeks to provide a description of gender diversity in the Norwegian energy sector, and renewables specifically. Existing research on gender diversity ... -
Gender equality in the boardroom : the Norwegian case of Rosa Parks? : an event study
(Master thesis, 2008)As the only country in the world, Norway recently passed a law that requires gender neutral boards in all public listed companies. Although the media attention abroad and in Norway, gorged on the controversial ruling, ... -
Gender Gaps in Leadership: The Case of Savings Groups in Uganda: How can gender gaps in leadership positions be measured and explained? Are there gender differences in the perceptions of which leaders are influential?– A Literature Review and Investigation of Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs) in Uganda
(Master thesis, 2022)Village saving and loans associations (VSLAs) play critical roles in many countries, including Uganda, towards financial inclusion overall. VSLAs are critical in working towards two key components to financial inclusion: ... -
Gender Pension Gap in Norway : An Empirical Study "What are the key contributing factors affecting the pension gap?"
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis investigates the gender disparities in pension income in context of Norwegian population, focusing on the socio-demographic factors that contribute to this gap. More specifically, this study is an empirical ... -
The Gender Wage Gap in Medicine : An empirical study on the gender wage gap among physicians in Norway
(Master thesis, 2023)This master thesis studies the gender wage gap among physicians in Norway in 2019. Further, we explore the gender wage gap using a fixed-wage variable to isolate the effect overtime pay has on the gender wage gap. We ... -
Gender-related differences in investment decisions : through the lens of equity crowdfunding : an empirical study in collaboration with dealflow
(Master thesis, 2020)The remainder to progress towards full gender equality requires increased female presence in financial markets, in particular in investing. The need to better understand female investment decisions, in an environment ... -
Generisk substitusjon i legemiddelmarkedet : hvordan påvirker ulike faktorer konsumentenes valg mellom generisk legemiddel og originalpreparat?
(Master thesis, 2018)Ordningen med generisk bytte i apotek ble innført i Norge i 2001, og har bidratt til å redusere samfunnets og pasientenes legemiddelutgifter. Generisk bytte åpnet for at apotekene kan levere ut et billigere legemiddel med ... -
Generøsitet i sykepengesystemet : en internasjonal sammenlikning av fravær
(Master thesis, 2018)Oppgaven forsøker å belyse hvilke mekanismer som påvirker sykefravær. Det legges selvsagt til grunn at hovedårsaken er sykdom, og at noe fravær er uunngåelig. Likevel skal jeg se nærmere på enkelte økonomiske faktorer ...