Browsing SYNAPS - A Journal of Professional Communication by Title
Now showing items 115-124 of 124
Uddannelse af translatører i Danmark - også i andre sprog end de traditionelle hovedsprog
(Journal article, 2005)On August 21, 1635, the Danish King Christian IV in an Open Letter made public that all foreign ships passing through the Sound had to pay toll and that therefore all shipping documents had to be translated into Danish. Thus ... -
Understanding terminology in texts
(Journal article, 2008)In this article we focus on the process of understanding terms in texts. We explain how a method for terminological analysis of specialised texts has been set up in order to develop ontologically-underpinned terminological ... -
Utro anaforer i fransk og dansk. Anvendelse og fortolkning, forklaring og oversættelse
(Journal article, 2004)Når man møder en nominalfrase, en NP, der er ny i en tekst, er der store chancer for at denne NP enten opretter en ny eller opretholder en tidligere diskursreferent i teksten. Om diskursreferenten er ny eller allerede ... -
Utvikling av en modul i fransk juridisk språk
(Journal article, 2004)Vi gjennomlever en periode hvor alt flyter i høyskole- og universitetssektoren. Fagene splittes opp i moduler, og vi føler uro for at den helhetlige tankegangen og fagenes helhet blir borte. På den annen side tvinger ... -
Übersetzen als wissensbasierte Tätigkeit Ein Beitrag zur Übersetzungslinguistik
(Journal article, 2000) -
Vidensbaser til e-learningsbaserede undervisningsaktiviteter i Erhvervskommunikation på tysk
(Journal article, 2008)This paper presents a project carried through in the BA-course in international business communication at the Department of Business Communication and Information Science in Kolding, Denmark in 2007 and 2008. The background ... -
What students need (and want): semantically-oriented queries in large online corpora
(Journal article, 2010)The 400 million word Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) [1990-2009] is the only large, balanced, up-to-date corpus of English that is publicly available. There are many features in this corpus that allow ... -
Writing and Translation in Expert – Non-expert Communication. Methods, Guidelines and Quality Assessment
(Journal article, 2010)This article consists of two parts. The first section is a rather theoretical approach of what communication between experts and non-experts consists of. It deals with how this form of communication is investigated; ... -
Zur Differenzierung des Metaphernbegriffs
(Journal article, 2009)Since the times of Aristotle, metaphors have been the topic of various investigations. However, a critical discussion of the classical view of metaphor was not up for discussion before the nineteen fifties. A considerable ... -
Å oversette en juridisk tekst
(Journal article, 2001)