Browsing SYNAPS - A Journal of Professional Communication by Title
Now showing items 66-85 of 124
Memetics and Translation Studies
(Journal article, 2000)Translation Studies is a branch of memetics. This is a claim, a hypothesis. More specifically, it is an interpretive hypothesis: I claim that Translation Studies can be thus interpreted, and that this is a useful thing ... -
Metaphern im Fachtext
(Journal article, 2001) -
Monolingual comparable corpora and parallel corpora in the search for features of translated language
(Journal article, 2011)For almost two decades now, mainstream corpus-based research in descriptive translation studies has focused on the computerized analysis of translated and comparable non-translated texts (so-called monolingual comparable ... -
National cultural norms or activity type conventions? Negotiation talk and informal conversation among Swedes and Spaniards
(Journal article, 2006)A problematic issue in cross-cultural studies has been to determine to what extent activity type (or ‘genre’) conventions interact with national behavioral preferences. On the one hand, activity type conventions can be ... -
Naturalness and Translation
(Journal article, 1998)In this paper I would like to address some of the issues which impinge on our understanding of 'naturalness'. While on the one hand it has been associated negatively with cultural assimilation from a literary perspective, ... -
Nettet som korpus ved flersproglig term- og vidensbearbejdning
(Journal article, 2011)The web as a corpus for multilingual term and knowledge extraction has an important potential in cases where a translator or knowledge engineer needs to identify unknown equivalents. With the expansion of knowledge and ... -
Nettspansk: et sted å være, et sted å lære
(Journal article, 2002)In January 2002, 90 students started a new way of studying Spanish at the University of Bergen, as the subject Spanish and Latin American Studies established their Web Studies, called 'Nettspansk' (On-line Spanish). In ... -
Norms and Nature in Translation Studies
(Journal article, 2005)Norms have played a central role in descriptive translation studies, because (Toury, 1995: 61, emphasis in the original) “it is norms that determine the (type and extent of) equivalence manifested by actual translations”. ... -
Norsk bedriftsøkonomisk terminologi – nødvendig eller unødvendig?
(Journal article, 2006)In this article some views regarding the use of Norwegian or foreign (English language) accounting concepts and terms are presented. The conclusion states that we should continue to use our native Norwegian language ... -
Norsk språkbank - ein framtidig ressurs for translatørar?
(Journal article, 2008)The primary argument in this paper is that terminology will be an important part of a human language resource collection for a specific language. Translators need terminology and machine translation software needs bilingual ... -
Nye evalueringsformer i et handlingsteoretisk perspektiv
(Journal article, 2003)Innovative or authentic assessment is a crucial part of the current reform of higher education in Norway. The author argues that assessment should be an integral part of the teaching and learning process as there is ... -
Om fagsprog, fagkommunikation og fagviden
(Journal article, 2004)At samtaler mellem fagfolk adskiller sig fra samtaler mellem ikke-fagfolk, er en erfaring alle, der lever i et moderne samfund, kender til, og det kan anses for at være et grundlæggende faktum, som sprogvidenskaben bør ... -
Plain German viewed from the perspective of specialized communication studies
(Journal article, 2013)In German public administration, attempts are regularly made to introduce and maintain plain language in all communication with the public, as expressed by the German term bürgernahe Sprache, which can be translated as ... -
Prinsipp for integrering av nye ord i juridiske ordbøker
(Journal article, 2004)In the elaboration of the legal part of a Spanish/Norwegian-Norwegian/Spanish dictionary a series of lexical problems has arisen, among others how to deal with the necessity of new terms for designating new concepts or new ... -
Probing the translation process
(Journal article, 2000) -
Pronoms et articles démonstratifs : traduction de la reprise anaphorique en norvégien
(Journal article, 2004)Les démonstratifs français ont fait l’objet de nombreuses études visant à rendre compte de leur spécificité tant au niveau de leur mode de donation référentielle qu’au niveau des effets discursifs qu’ils sont susceptibles ... -
Quantifying domain-specificity: the occurrence of financial terms in a general corpus
(Journal article, 2008)In this paper, I investigate the transfer of terminology from professional discourse to language in general from a corpus-linguistic point of view. Domain-specificity can be approached from a qualitative and a ... -
Quirkian linguistics and prototypes illustrated by the notion of apposition
(Journal article, 2001) -
Recent trends in text linguistics
(Journal article, 2001)The title of this presentation opens up a whole research field, namely text linguistics. On the other hand, text linguistics, which dates back to the late 1960s or early 1970s, is a fairly young field compared to many ... -
Samhandling med japanere: Sentrale kulturelle begreper
(Journal article, 2002)Seen from Norway, Japanese behavior will often appear strange and difficult to understand. Knowledge is the essential key to improve our perception of the Japanese culture and pave the way for increased interaction between ...