Browsing SYNAPS - A Journal of Professional Communication by Title
Now showing items 50-69 of 124
Jakten på terminologien
(Journal article, 2006)Translating Redmond O’Hanlon’s novel Trawler offered some extra challenges, as it also started a fervent hunt for terminology. My dismay was profound when I discovered that a fishery nation like Norway had no English– Norwegian ... -
Juridisk fagoversettelse - Det komplett umuliges kunst
(Journal article, 1998)Oversettelse av juridiske tekster er vanskelig, også for utdannede jurister. I motsetning til f.eks. teknisk eller medisinsk utdannelse, inneholder lærestoffet i juss svært lite stoff på fremmedspråk. Det utvikler seg ... -
Juristen och Språket
(Journal article, 2013)This essay is a study of giving rules and laws to people in Finland-and perhaps elsewhere-who wished how to behave. It starts with Old-Norse rules and goes to Modern times. A focus has been located on the multilingualism ... -
KB-N (KunnskapsBank for Norsk økonomisk-administrativt domene): presentasjon av et korpusbasert terminologiprosjekt
(Journal article, 2004)This paper reports early results of a 3-year project at the Department of Professional and Intercultural Communication, NHH, aiming to establish a knowledge-bank for economic-administrative domains. The underlying ... -
Korleis kan/bør vi ivareta terminologi og fagspråk i norsk industri og næringsliv
(Journal article, 2006)It is argued here that the challenge posed by globalization, with English as its principal communication medium, requires decisive and defensive action on behalf of Norwegian special language and terminology, and that ... -
Korpora als Ausgangspunkt für die Extraktion von terminologishen Daten
(Journal article, 2001) -
Kryssande grenser og nye kunnskapsfrontar: Tverrfaglegheit i akvakultur
(Journal article, 2008)The call for crossdisciplinary research is having a stronger resonance in science and investigation. In this paper I will argue that this also affects the study of terminology. By looking at the terminology of aquaculture, ... -
Kva er interkulturell kommunikasjon?
(Journal article, 2005)The new and challenging field of intercultural communication is today taught in institutions of higher education in Norway by teachers having a wide variety of backgrounds, including language teachers, priests ... -
Law, language and culture A survey of an intricate interconnection
(Journal article, 2012)The Norwegian king between 1299 and 1319 hence claimed in the preamble that Roman and Canon law had been harmful for the realm, and the laws to be observed by the inhabitants were those made by St. Olaf and his descendants ... -
Le concept de "reformulation", un concept bien defini?
(Journal article, 2001)Tallene lyver ikke". Tallene snakker for seg selv". Man "legger tallene på bordet". Klisjeene er mange og blir brukt for det de er verdt. Tall har generelt blitt oppfattet som nøytrale og objektive fakta. -
Legal concepts – a transdisciplinary mirror of society
(Journal article, 2013) -
Legal terminology: On intelligibility and strategies for dissemination
(Journal article, 2013)The aim of the chapter is to study the concept of paraphrase developed by Simonnæs for describing textual elements directed at non-experts in court decisions and intended to give insight into the legal argumentation of the ... -
Lexicological correctness and lexicographic relevance? The inclusion of semantic, encyclopedic, syntactic information in a bilingual dictionary of law
(Journal article, 2005)The transposition of legal terminology is perhaps one of the most difficult areas of translation, since there will rarely be complete or direct equivalence between concepts in two languages. I shall in this paper look ... -
Localization: On its nature, virtues and dangers
(Journal article, 2005)Discourse on the localization of software and websites now underlies one of the major language industries of our time. Its basic concepts also address issues that are of interest to sociolinguistics, text linguistics, ... -
Looking back to move forward. Challenges related to deceitful parallel texts and slippery terms
(Journal article, 2008)In this article we will address some pitfalls and shortcomings related to semi-automatic term extraction and an uncritical reliance on translational equivalents in parallel texts. After a short description of the KB-N ... -
LSP Translation and Creativity
(Journal article, 2011)Specialised or LSP translation is often compared unfavourably with literary translation in terms of the creative input required from the translator to produce a „good‟ translation. The supposed formulaic nature of LSP texts ... -
Memetics and Translation Studies
(Journal article, 2000)Translation Studies is a branch of memetics. This is a claim, a hypothesis. More specifically, it is an interpretive hypothesis: I claim that Translation Studies can be thus interpreted, and that this is a useful thing ... -
Metaphern im Fachtext
(Journal article, 2001) -
Monolingual comparable corpora and parallel corpora in the search for features of translated language
(Journal article, 2011)For almost two decades now, mainstream corpus-based research in descriptive translation studies has focused on the computerized analysis of translated and comparable non-translated texts (so-called monolingual comparable ... -
National cultural norms or activity type conventions? Negotiation talk and informal conversation among Swedes and Spaniards
(Journal article, 2006)A problematic issue in cross-cultural studies has been to determine to what extent activity type (or ‘genre’) conventions interact with national behavioral preferences. On the one hand, activity type conventions can be ...