Blar i NHH Brage på tittel
Viser treff 5119-5138 av 8342
Non-parametric estimation of conditional densities: A new method
(Discussion paper;22/16, Working paper, 2016-12-07)Let X = (X1,...,Xp) be a stochastic vector having joint density function fX(x) with partitions X1 = (X1,...,Xk) and X2 = (Xk+1,...,Xp). A new method for estimating the conditional density function of X1 given X2 is presented. ... -
A non-parametric model of the timecharter-equivalent spot freight rate in the very large crude oil carrier market
(Working paper, Working paper, 2000-01)The empirical research in this paper uses non-parametric techniques to avoid arbitrary parametric restrictions on the underlying freight rate process. The relevant hypotheses include: mean reverting freight rates in the ... -
Non-standard liquidity measures and international interbank term structure dynamics
(Master thesis, 2013)Throughout the financial crisis central banks experienced a situation where standard monetary measures failed to create stability and restore growth to the financial markets and the overall economy. Therefore new response ... -
Noncooperative models of permit markets
(Working paper, Working paper, 2011-07)The applicability of some popular and basic permit market theories has been questioned. Drawing on noncooperative equilibrium theory for pure exchange economies, this article adapts several well-established alternative ... -
The nonequivalence of the earnings and dividends approaches to equity valuation
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2005-09)Accounting theory treats a wide class of equity valuation approaches as equivalent. For example, under clean surplus accounting, the earnings approach is viewed as identical to the discounted dividends approach. Empirical ... -
Nordea kraftobligasjon index bond : value and expected return estimated by a retail investor
(Master thesis, 2008)Index Bonds are a particular form of a structured investment product that consists of a bond element and a return element. The bond element is based on the guaranteed amount repaid to the investor at maturity. The return ... -
Nordic Corporate Spin-offs : An empirical study of long-term shareholder value creation through corporate spin-offs in the Nordic countries.
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis investigates the long-term shareholder value creation associated with Nordic corporate spin-offs completed between 1996 and 2022. The Nordic region is fascinating, as it is an under-researched area on this ... -
The Nordic High Yield Green Bond Market : Construction and Performance Analysis of a Corporate Green Bond Index
(Master thesis, 2021)The aim of this thesis is to study the Nordic high yield green bonds and their performance in the secondary market from 2019 until today, with a focus on the crisis following the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. The ... -
Nordic IPO Pricing in Hot Issue Markets : An Empirical Analysis of the Nordic IPO Surge and its Characteristics, 2015-2022
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis examines the underpricing and pricing dynamics of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) in the Nordic region from 2015 to 2022, focusing on the ’hot issue’ years of 2020 - 2022 during the COVID-19 pandemic. Utilizing ... -
Nordic large-cap buyouts : Nordic private equity large-cap buyouts portfolio companies’ performance effect on close competitors and industry performance
(Master thesis, 2017)The thesis will analyze the Nordic private equity Large Buyouts portfolio companies’ performance effect on Close Competitors and industry performance in the timeline 1997-2016. 116 Large Buyouts will be the foundation ... -
The Nordic power exchange : analysis of the market efficiency
(Master thesis, 2010)The aim of this thesis is to examine the market efficiency of the Nordic power exchange by analysing the electricity market, its structure and the pricing mechanisms. An empirical analysis of Nord Pool is carried during ... -
Nordic Power market integration : a market based approach to the price effects of increased Nordic continental power trade in the Nordic market
(Master thesis, 2012)Based on historical market data for 2011 this thesis models estimated effects that increased Nordic-Continental power trade potential would have had on trade and on Nordic prices during this year. The model used differs ... -
Nordkapp : økonomisk praksis i et fiskeriavhengig lokalsamfunn
(Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 2000)Artikkelen diskuterer forholdet mellom globalisering og kontekst med utgangspunkt i økonomiske aktiviteter i lokalsamfunnet Nordkapp. Er det slik at økonomisk praksis blir deterritorialisert i en tid preget av økt ... -
The NordLink Effect on Norwegian and German Electricity Price Convergence : A difference-in-difference approach
(Master thesis, 2022)This thesis studies NordLink, a subsea interconnector, and its effect on electricity price convergence between Norway and Germany. To measure market convergence, we use the spread, defined as the difference between ... -
Norge er et lite land i verden : om Norgesbildet
(Lecture, 2003) -
Norge sett fra luften : flytransport i en brytningstid
(Lecture, 1991) -
Norge: et trygt arbeidsmarked for insidere : institusjonelle forhold og jobbusikkerhet i de skandinaviske arbeidsmarkedene
(Master thesis, 2014)Denne oppgaven sammenligner arbeidsmarkedene i Norge, Danmark og Sverige med hensyn på institusjonelle forhold og jobbusikkerhet. Bakgrunnen for denne sammenligningen er at de tre landene har mange likheter med tanke på ... -
Norges Bank Investment Management in relation to ESG and Financial Performance : An empirical analysis on how companies part of the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global perform on ESG relative to the rest of the market, and how ESG relates to financial performance, both at a company level and for the fund as a whole.
(Master thesis, 2021)This thesis aims to analyze how the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global, managed by Norges Bank Investment Management’s (NBIM), performs on environmental, social, and governance (ESG), and what financial implications ... -
Norges Banks pengepolitikk : enøyd politikk på autopilot?
(Master thesis, 2008)I denne utredningen ses det nærmere på innretningen av pengepolitikken i Norge. Det fokuseres spesielt på hvor vidt man for ensidig vektlegger inflasjonsutviklingen, slik at den realøkonomiske utviklingen ikke ivaretas, ... -
Norges Banks pengepolitikk og finanskrisen
(Master thesis, 2009)Tema for denne utredningen er i hvilken grad pengepolitikken har bidratt til dagens økonomiske krise. Vurderingen baserer seg på Norges Banks pengepolitikk i perioden fra innføringen av inflasjonsmålet og frem til ...