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The effect from accrual earnings management in private equity trade : a study of the Norwegian private equity market’s investments and divestments
(Master thesis, 2019)Our paper looks at account manipulation in private companies purchased and sold by private equity funds. We use a proxy for discretionary accrual earnings management to measure the degree of manipulation in accounting data, ... -
The effect from loss anticipation on debt shifting: empirical evidence from european multinational corporations
(Master thesis, 2017)This thesis examines whether multinational companies consider the anticipation of losses when deciding upon their optimal capital structure and debt shifting strategies. It is important to understand how capital is ... -
The effect of aid and state visits on trade
(Master thesis, 2012)This paper investigates the effect of aid on trade for twelve European countries and the effect of state visits on trade for four European countries. The theoretical foundation for the analysis is the gravity model of ... -
The effect of arbitrage activity in beta and momentum strategies on abnormal trading profits
(Master thesis, 2015)The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the effect of arbitrage activity on abnormal trading profits based on the new measures of arbitrage proposed by Lou and Polk (2013) and Huang, Lou and Polk (2014), called Comom ... -
The effect of arbitrage activity in low volatility strategies : an empirical analysis of return comovements
(Master thesis, 2017)The goal of this thesis is to examine the effect arbitrageurs have on prices in the stock market. More specifically, we seek to investigate arbitrage activity in the low volatility anomaly by decomposing it into systematic- ... -
The effect of asymmetric information concerning the bidder on earnout agreements
(Master thesis, 2016)It has been argued that earnout contracts has a great attribute in being able to mitigate asymmetric information concerning both parties of a deal simultaneously, but this aspect of earnout agreements has not yet been ... -
The effect of brand, packaging and social marketing for consumer perception of cigarettes
(Master thesis, 2014)This paper describes consumer perception of cigarettes and how brand, packaging and social marketing can affect this. The aim of the study is to reveal how brand and packaging is used by the cigarettes manufacturers and ... -
The effect of capital taxes on household's portfolio composition and intertemporal choice : evidence from the Dutch 2001 capital income tax reform
(Discussion papers;23/14, Working paper, 2014-06)This paper estimates the effect of capital taxation on portfolio composition and savings using quasi- experimental variation generated by the Dutch 2001 capital tax reform. The reform drove a wedge between the taxation ... -
The effect of competition on non-performing loan rates - evidence from the Norwegian banking market
(Working paper;2015:11, Working paper, 2015-09)The relationship between bank competition and financial stability has been thoroughly debated over the last decades. The importance of a stable banking system for financial stability makes this a topic of interest for both ... -
The effect of covered bonds : high encumbrance in banks : a game changer for senior unsecured debt investors?
(Master thesis, 2013)This study examines the effect covered bonds have on the senior bondholders. We discuss how this new funding method is affecting the banks' balances and to which extent the senior bonds credit spread is influenced by ... -
The effect of credit portfolio diversification and ownership on banks’ risk exposure : a case study of the Norwegian banking market
(Master thesis, 2018)In this thesis, we attempt to provide evidence on the effect of credit portfolio diversification in two dimensions, industrial and geographical diversification. Further, we analyze whether differences in banks' risk exposure ... -
The effect of credit portfolio diversification and ownership on banks’ risk exposure : a case study of the Norwegian banking market
(Arbeidsnotat;2019/2, Working paper, 2019-04)In this thesis, we attempt to provide evidence on the effect of credit portfolio diversification in two dimensions, industrial and geographical diversification. Further, we analyze whether differences in banks' risk ... -
The effect of credit rating announcements on stock returns : an empirical assesment of the Scandinavian stock market
(Master thesis, 2012)This master thesis aims to explain the association between changes in credit ratings and stock returns. In efficient markets, all pricing relevant information is discounted in the stock price. Hence, stock prices will not ... -
The effect of credit ratings on corporate financing
(Master thesis, 2019)In this analysis, we test for potential causal e ects of credit ratings on corporate nancing behavior. We start by replicating the analysis of Kisgen (2006). Like him, we nd signi cantly negative e ects on debt nancing ... -
The effect of cross-border healthcare on quality, public health insurance, and income redistribution
(SAM;4/2016, Working paper, 2016-04-07)This study analyzes the effect of cross-border healthcare on the quality of healthcare as well as public health insurance and income redistribution schemes. Although the globalization of healthcare has been increasing, it ... -
The effect of culture on Norwegian - Chinese business negotiations
(Master thesis, 2013)This thesis attempts to discover how cultural differences between Norway and China affect business negotiations. Critical incidents have been found through interviews with Norwegian business representatives, who have ... -
The effect of default options on financial risk‐taking for oneself versus others
(Master thesis, 2016)This thesis is a study of the effect of default options on financial risk‐taking for oneself versus others. The purpose of the thesis is to see if there is a significant difference in risk‐taking for oneself versus ... -
The Effect of Fast and Slow Decisions on Financial Risk Taking
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)We experimentally compare fast and slow decisions in a series of Experiments on financial risk taking in three countries involving over 1700 subjects. To manipulate fast and slow decisions, subjects were randomly allocated ... -
The effect of foreign cash holdings on returns during repatriation tax holidays : a study of the American jobs creation act of 2004
(Master thesis, 2018)On October 22, 2004, President George W. Bush enacted a repatriation tax holiday under the American Jobs Creation Act. It allowed companies incorporated in the U.S. to repatriate foreign earnings at a reduced effective tax ... -
The effect of industrial diversification on banks’ performance : a case study of the Norwegian banking market
(Working paper;2017:9, Working paper, 2017-06)By attracting deposits from savers and offering financing to borrowers, banks play an important role in the economy. Which strategic approach banks ought to pursue for optimizing performance and hence contribute to financial ...