Browsing NHH Brage by Title
Now showing items 517-536 of 8609
Baby booming inequality? Demographic change and earnings inequality in Norway, 1967–2000
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)In this paper, we demonstrate how age-adjusted inequality measures can be used to evaluate whether changes in inequality over time are due to changes in the age-structure. To this end, we use administrative data on ... -
Baby booming inequality?: demographic change and inequality in Norway, 1967-2004
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2010-02)We demonstrate how age-adjusted inequality measures can be used to evaluate whether changes in inequality over time are because of changes in the age structure. In particular, we explore the hypothesis that the substantial ... -
Back testing multi asset value at risk : Norwegian data
(Master thesis, 2014)This paper attempts to e stimate Value At Risk (VaR) for a multi asset Norwegian portfolio, using some of the most popular estimation methods , Variance Covariance Method, Historical Simulation and Monte Carlo ... -
Backhauling in forest transportation : models, methods and practical usage
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2006)Transportation planning in forestry is divided into strategic, tactical and operational depending on the length of the planning horizon. We consider a tactical problem of finding efficient backhauling routes. Given a set ... -
Backtesting trading strategies on the Oslo Stock Exchange : Can a non-professional investor beat the market with financial ratios?
(Master thesis, 2021)This thesis analyzes if a non-professional investor can outperform the market with trading strategies based on easy-accessible financial information from companies on the Oslo Stock Exchange. To answer this question, we ... -
Bad Neighbours? Local Price Competition in the Norwegian Grocery Retail Market
(Master thesis, 2017)The aim of this paper has been to examine the local competition between grocery retail stores in the Norwegian grocery retail market. Our attention has been on explaining the effect of market structure on prices. For this ... -
Bad weather ahead: Pre-recession characteristics and the severity of recession impact
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This paper addresses a simple question: why are some firms more severely affected by recessions than others? Using the Norwegian financial crisis of 2008 as an empirical setting, I find that firms pursuing pre-recession ... -
Bak overskriftene : Avdekking av leserdynamikk og eiermønstre i norske aviser En kartlegging av det norske avismarkedet
(Master thesis, 2023)I en tid der avisbransjen står ovenfor rask teknologisk utvikling, endring i leservaner og skiftende eierskapsstrukturer, er det interessant å utforske dynamikken i dette markedet. Denne masterutredningen presenterer en ... -
Baker Hansen : motivasjon og bonussystemer
(Master thesis, 2010)Motiverte ansatte er en av nøkkelforutsetningene for å drive butikk på en tilfredsstillende måte. Denne oppgaven hadde som problemstilling å kartlegge motivasjonen til butikkmedarbeiderne i Baker Hansen. Videre ønsket jeg ... -
Bakeribransjen i Norge : en empirisk analyse
(Master thesis, 2009)Denne utredningen søker å analysere om det eksisterer forskjeller innad i bakeribransjen i Norge, hovedsakelig vedrørende de ulike aktørenes forhold til konkurransesituasjon, posisjonering, prising og viktige prisfaktorer. ... -
Bakkafrost Group Strategic Analysis and Valuation
(Master thesis, 2021)This thesis has evaluated Bakkafrost holistically and estimated share price of the company. The thesis has used WACC-based DCF approach to calculate the intrinsic value and complemented it with multiples-based valuation ... -
The balanced scorecard : teori og praktisk anvendelse
(Master thesis, 2006)I utredningen presenteres bruken av Balanced Scorecard i case bedriftene Oslo Fengsel og Sparebanken Vest. Begge bedriftene var i en omstillingsprosess og hadde dårlig måloppnåelse på det tidspunktet de innførte ... -
The balanced scorecard and leadership : the system’s (ir)relevance in an uncertain world
(Working paper, Working paper, 2003-06)Leadership is about handling change, and the balanced scorecard (BSC) is frequently seen as an important tool for this type of work. This paper studies the way in which the executives of the EDB 4tel corporation worked ... -
Balanced scorecards: a relational contract approach
(Discussion paper;3/20, Working paper, 2020-05-08)Reward systems based on balanced scorecards typically connect pay to an index, i.e. a weighted sum of multiple performance measures. However, there is no formal incentive model that actually describe this kind of index ... -
Balanced Scorecards: A Relational Contract Approach
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Reward systems based on balanced scorecards often connect pay to an index, i.e. a weighted sum of multiple performance measures. We show that such an index contract may indeed be optimal if performance measures are ... -
A balanced view of development as freedom
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2001-10)Amartya Sen, in his most recent book Development as Freedom, argues that expansion of human freedom should both be viewed as the primary end and the principle means of development. This paper provides an overview and a ... -
Balancing Data Protection and Model Accuracy : An Investigation of Protection Methods on Machine Learning Model Performance for a Bank Marketing Dataset
(Master thesis, 2023)The practice of sharing customer data among companies for marketing purposes is becoming increasingly common. However, sharing customer-level data poses potential risks and serious problems for businesses, such as ... -
Balansert målstyring i Bergen kommune : en kvalitativ eksplorerende studie om bruk av balansert målstrying i Bergen kommune
(Master thesis, 2018)Det har skjedd store endringer i offentlig sektor i senere tid. Ny offentlig styring (New Public Management) er en reformbølge hvor man har brukt styringsprinsipper fra privat sektor for å effektivisere og forbedre ... -
Balansert målstyring i Helse Vest RHF : korleis kan balansert målstyring bidra til betre styring av Helse Vest RHF
(Master thesis, 2008)Det har dei siste åra vore mykje debatt omkring økonomisk styring av sjukehussektoren. Denne utgreiinga tek føre seg bruk av balansert målstyring i Helse Vest RHF, og om dette rammeverket kan gi betre styring for organisasjonen. ...