Now showing items 434-453 of 662

    • Pennies from heaven : using exogenous tax variation to identify effects of school resources on pupil achievement 

      Hægeland, Torbjørn; Raaum, Oddbjørn; Salvanes, Kjell Gunnar (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2007-07)
      Despite important policy implications associated with the allocation of education resources, evidence on the effectiveness of school inputs remains inconclusive. In part, this is due to endogenous allocation; families ...
    • Pension funds, sovereign-wealth funds and intergenerational justice 

      Cappelen, Alexander W.; Urheim, Runa (Discussion paper;19/2012, Working paper, 2012-09)
      Pension funds and sovereign-wealth funds own a large and increasing fraction of the shares in publicly traded companies in the OECD area. These funds typically have a very long time horizon on their investments, as well ...
    • Performance Measurement in Agency Models 

      Chang Koo, Chi; Kyoung Jin, Choi (DP SAM;05/2019, Working paper, 2019-02-25)
      This note explores how to evaluate an agent’s performance in standard incentive contracts. We show that the MPS criterion proposed by Kim (1995) becomes a tight condition for one performance measurement system to be more ...
    • Person-affecting paretian egalitarianism with variable population size 

      Tungodden, Bertil; Vallentyne, Peter (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2005-08)
      Where there is a fixed population (i.e., who exists does not depend on what choice an agent makes), the deontic version of anonymous Paretian egalitarianism holds that an option is just if and only if (1) it is anonymously ...
    • Perspectives on the economic history of the Antarctic region 

      Basberg, Bjørn L. (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2005-09)
      This paper starts out by indicating how the economic history of the Antarctic could be conceptualized, given the peculiarities of the continent and the region (no permanent population, no sovereignty in a traditional ...
    • Pharmaceutical patents : incentives for R&D or marketing? 

      Brekke, Kurt Richard; Straume, Odd Rune (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2005-11)
      We analyse how a patent-holding pharmaceutical firm may strategically use advertising of existing drugs to affect R&D investments in new (differentiated) drugs, and thereby affect the probability distribution of future ...
    • The pluralism of fairness ideals : an experimental approach 

      Cappelen, Alexander W.; Hole, Astri Drange; Sørensen, Erik Ø.; Tungodden, Bertil (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2005-09)
      A core question in the contemporary debate on distributive justice is how the fair distribution of income is affected by differences in talent and effort. Important theories of distributive justice, such as strict ega ...
    • Policy competition for foreign direct investment between asymmetric countries 

      Bjorvatn, Kjetil; Eckel, Carsten (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-09)
      The present paper analyses policy competition for foreign direct investment between a larger and industrially more developed country and a smaller and industrially less developed country. We demonstrate how policy ...
    • Policy measures and storage in a hydropower system 

      Skaar, Jostein (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-02)
      In this paper we discuss how three different public policy measures affect water storage controlled by hydropower producing firms. In particular we discuss measures to promote competition, increase transmission capacity ...
    • Political Uncertainty and Household Savings 

      Aaberge, Rolf; Liu, Kai; Zhu, Yu (Discussion paper;34/14, Working paper, 2014-12)
      Despite macroeconomic evidence pointing to a negative aggregate consumption response due to political uncertainty, few papers have used microeconomic panel data to analyze how households adjust their consumption after ...
    • A Poorly Understood Disease? The Unequal Distribution of Excess Mortality Due to COVID-19 Across French Municipalities 

      Brandily, Paul; Brébion, Clément; Briole, Simon; Khoury, Laura (DP SAM;15/2020, Working paper, 2020-08)
      While COVID-19 was responsible for more than 600,000 deaths worldwide as of July 24, 2020, very little is known about the socio-economic heterogeneity of its impact on mortality. In this paper, we combine several administrative ...
    • Port pricing : principles, structure and models 

      Meersman, Hilde; Strandenes, Siri Pettersen; Van de Voorde, Eddy (Discussion paper;14/2014, Working paper, 2014-04)
      Price level and price transparency are input to shippers’ choice of supply chain and transport mode. In this paper, we analyse current port pricing structures in the light of the pricing literature and consider opportunities ...
    • Postpartum Job Loss: Transitory Effect on Mothers, Long-run Damage to Children 

      Willage, Barton; Willén, Alexander (DP SAM;22/2020, Working paper, 2020-11)
      The first year after childbirth involves dramatic changes to parents’ lives and is crucial for children’s development. Using plausibly exogenous job loss from mass layoffs, we study the effect of labor shocks on mothers ...
    • Poverty measurement : the critical comparison value 

      Tungodden, Bertil (Discussion paper, Working paper, 1998-11)
      The basic problem in poverty measurement is how to weigh the income of different groups. This is a normative problem on which people differ in opinion, and hence we should seek a way of dealing with the issue that takes ...
    • The premium of marine protected areas : a simple valuation model 

      Kvamsdal, Sturla Furunes; Sandal, Leif Kristoffer (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2007-03)
      Marine Protected Areas are considered as a hedging tool against some of the uncertainties that trouble many fisheries today. Such tools are always connected with a cost; a premium. An optimal harvest rule is combined ...
    • Price and quality in spatial competition 

      Brekke, Kurt Richard; Siciliani, Luigi; Straume, Odd Rune (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2009-07)
      We study the relationship between competition and quality within a spatial competition framework where firms compete in prices and quality. We generalise existing literature on spatial price-quality competition along ...
    • Price Change Synchronization within and between Firms 

      Nilsen, Øivind A.; Skuterud, Håvard; Webster, Ingeborg Munthe-Kaas (SAM DP;15/2021, Working paper, 2021-08)
      This paper provides evidence on price rigidity at the product- and firm-level in Norway. A strong within-firm synchronization is found supporting the theory of economies of scope in menu costs. The industry synchronization ...
    • Price Changes - Stickiness and Internal Coordination in Multiproduct Firms. 

      Letterie, Wilko; Nilsen, Øivind A. (DP SAM;21, Working paper, 2016-12)
      We assess empirically the micro-foundations of producers’ sticky pricing behaviour. We account for various functional forms of menu costs. The focus is on the analysis of multiproduct plants, and the menu costs therefore ...
    • Price discrimination and three part tariffs in a duopoly 

      Jensen, Sissel (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2000-03)
      The paper studies how second degree price discrimination can be implemented in a duopoly with differentiated products. Two firms serve consumers having heterogeneous willingness to pay for the good, willingness to pay ...
    • The Price of Cost-effectiveness Thresholds 

      Brekke, Kurt R.; Dalen, Dag Morten; Straume, Odd Rune (SAM DP;04/2023, Working paper, 2023)
      Health systems around world are increasingly adopting cost-effectiveness (CE) analysis to inform decisions about access and reimbursement. We study how CE thresholds imposed by a health plan for granting reimbursement ...