Articles (SOL): Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 144
Hotspot crowding and over-tourism: Antecedents of destination attractiveness
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This study develops a unique model capturing antecedents of place attractiveness in tourism hotspot crowding contexts. A structural equation model reveals three density dimensions: one destination image variable and two ... -
Context and HRM: Theory, Evidence, and Proposals
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Human resource management (HRM) has paid insufficient attention to the impact of context. In this article, we outline the need for HRM to take full account of context, particularly national context, and to use both ... -
Do ‘soft law’ board gender quotas work? Evidence from a natural experiment
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)In a new era of “open governance”, in which societal and corporate change is taking place, 15 predominantly European countries, including Spain, enacted board gender quotas to increase the share of women on boards. In ... -
Secularity, abortion, assisted dying and the future of conscientious objection: modelling the relationship between attitudes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Background Controversies arise over abortion, assisted dying and conscientious objection (CO) in healthcare. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between attitudes towards these bioethical dilemmas, and ... -
Short-sighted greed? Focusing on the future promotes reputation-based generosity
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Bad weather ahead: Pre-recession characteristics and the severity of recession impact
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This paper addresses a simple question: why are some firms more severely affected by recessions than others? Using the Norwegian financial crisis of 2008 as an empirical setting, I find that firms pursuing pre-recession ... -
Business model innovation and value-creation: the triadic way
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Purpose Open service innovation is an emergent new service development practice, where knowledge on how to organize development work is scarce. The purpose of the present research is to identify and describe relevant ... -
Tilfredsheit med eit hotell. Kva rolle spelar opplevingar med merkevara, innovasjonsgrad og grøn image?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)I denne artikkelen studerer vi effekten av merkeoppleving, innovasjonsgrad og grøn image på tilfredsheit med merkevara i hotellsektoren og diskuterer kva praktiske implikasjonar dette har for leiinga av eit hotell. Vi ... -
Innovasjon: Det du gjør, er ikke det de ser
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Norske bedrifter er opptatt av innovasjon. Motivasjonen er mangslungen. Noen innoverer for å kutte kostnader i produksjon og administrasjon eller for å bli mer bærekraftige. Andre ønsker å innovere i bedriftens eksisterende ... -
Kvinne og toppleder: Hvilke faktorer fremmer en lederkarriere?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018) -
Organizational Transformation Through Service Design: The Institutional Logics Perspective
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Studentaktiv læring Erfaringer fra et kurs i produktutvikling og design
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Ulike studier som har analysert erfaringer med omvendt undervisning (flipped classroom) viser til dels sprikende resultater. Noen studier viser at studentenes engasjement, motivasjon og læringsutbytte øker med innføringen ... -
Companies Ethical Commitment: an analysis of the rhetoric in CSR reports
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)This paper investigates rhetoric applied in 80 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reports in 2005. A taxonomy of five distinct rhetorical strategies for describing the purpose of CSR is applied; Agency (profit), Benefit ... -
When counting cattle is not enough: multiple perspectives in agricultural and veterinary research
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)A traditional approach in agricultural and veterinary research is focussing on the biological perspective where large cattle-databases are used to analyse the dairy herd. This approach has yielded valuable insights. However, ... -
Heuristics as an Aid to Inter-organizational Value Creation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The purpose of this paper is to analyze the moderating effects of heuristics on the relationship between asset specificity, formal contracting/relational contracting and value creation. More importantly, this paper explores ... -
Language in International Business: A Review and Agenda for Future Research
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)A fast growing number of studies demonstrates that language diversity influences almost all management decisions in modern multinational corporations. Whereas no doubt remains about the practical importance of language, ... -
The Psychological Science Accelerator: Advancing Psychology Through a Distributed Collaborative Network
(Journal article, 2019)Concerns about the veracity of psychological research have been growing. Many findings in psychological science are based on studies with insufficient statistical power and nonrepresentative samples, or may otherwise be ... -
Imitation strategies and interfirm networks in the tourism industry: A structure–agency approach
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The paper investigates the association between tourism firms’ imitation strategies and the interfirm network structure in which they are embedded. In particular, it analyzes how imitation contributes to (1) tie formation ... -
Explaining women's presence on corporate boards: The institutionalization of progressive gender-related policies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)We draw on a phenomenological model of institutional theory to explore how sub-national policies shape corporate board gender diversity of publicly traded firms. Using a sample of S&P 1500 firms in 49 U.S. states from ... -
Structural Impacts on Formation of Self-Efficacy and Its Performance Effects
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The role of organizational structure as an important contextual variable has long been recognized in affecting a host of employee attitudes and behaviors, but there is a dearth of theoretical and empirical research that ...