Browsing Reports (SNF) by Title
Now showing items 71-90 of 542
A decision-tool for adaptation of reindeer herds to rangelands : the user`s manual
(Report, Research report, 2003-06)The management of reindeer ranges is a complicated task as indicated both by the complexity of the normative analyses required and the mismanagement observed in real and laboratory settings. The present report is a user’s ... -
Delings- og formidlingsøkonomi : muligheter og utfordringer
(Rapport;2017:2, Research report, 2017-05)Interessen for og utbredelsen av delings- og formidlingsøkonomien har økt kraftig de siste ti årene. I flere og flere næringer vokser det frem nye aktører som utnytter delings- og formidlingsøkonomiens prinsipper og som ... -
Den norske bedriftsbankboka : en beskrivende analyse av bankmarkedet for norske bedriftskunder
(Rapport, Research report, 2011-06)Den norske Bedriftsbankboka er en utførlig statistisk dokumentasjon av markedsforholdene for kommersielle bedrifter som søker lån eller plasserer innskudd i norskrapporterende banker. Den baseres på detaljert kundeinformasjon ... -
Designing social security : a portfolio choice approach
(Report, Research report, 2001-10)Public social security systems may provide diversification of risks to individuals' life-time income. Capturing that a pay-as-you-go program (paygo) may be considered as a "quasi-asset", we study the optimal size of the ... -
Det maritime miljøet i vest : omfang, regionale koplinger og samspillseffekter
(Rapport, Research report, 2001-06)Formålet med denne studien har vært å beskrive det maritime miljøet i Hordaland og Sogn og Fjordane og å analysere det regionale samspillet mellom bedriftene i næringen. En viktig problemstilling har vært å avklare hvorvidt ... -
Det norske bedriftsbankmarkedet : en beskrivende analyse av bankmarkedet for norske bedriftskunder
(Rapport;2017:6, Report, 2017)“Det norske bedriftsbankmarkedet» (Bedriftsbankboka) dokumenterer bankmarkedet for norske bedrifter som benytter banklån. Datagrunnlaget er kundeinformasjon fra norskrapporterende banker til Skatteetaten for årene 1997-2015, ... -
Determinants of long‐term bank relationships : an empirical study of the Norwegian bank market
(Report, Research report, 2010-04)This paper investigates the determinants of long-term bank relationships using a new data set for the time period between 1998 and 2008, and comprised of 9,476 firms in Norway. We document that firms are more likely to end ... -
The development of East Asia
(Report, Research report, 2002-12)The objective of this report is to present some of the issues that are driving the economic development in East Asia. The report will not include a discussion of the development and challenges in Japan, as this would double ... -
Diffusion of environmental policies : Bayesian learning or heuristics?
(Report, Research report, 2000-03)Will public policies to solve environmental problems spread from innovating nations to other countries? Do people involved process information about foreign experiences properly? The empirical diffusion literature finds ... -
Digital kompetanseutvikling : en analyse av to tiltak i NRK
(Rapport;2017:5, Report, 2017-10)Mediebransjen er preget av høy endringstakt og stor usikkerhet. Digitalisering, endrede medievaner, flermedialitet og multiskilling karakteriserer omstillingen medieorganisasjonene står overfor. Formålet med denne studien ... -
A discrete-time stochastic partial equilibrium model of the spot freight market
(Report, Research report, 2004-04)This paper presents a stochastic extension of the classical partial equilibrium models of the spot freight market. The supply in the model is based on microeconomic analysis of the supply characteristics of a given fleet ... -
Diversifisering av oljeprisrisiko ved finansielle instrumenter
(Rapport, Research report, 2000-01)Med utgangspunkt i en erkjennelse av at fluktuasjoner i oljeprisen skaper betydelige realøkonomiske problemer for Norge, diskuterer denne rapporten hvordan finansielle instrumenter kan benyttes for å sikre de løpende ... -
Do numerical simulation and optimization results improve management? : experimental evidence
(Report, Research report, 2000-05)Models of different forms are the core tool of economic analysis. The advises econo-mists give decision makers may represent general insights derived from stylized models. Alternatively, economists may construct complex ... -
Dokumentasjon av JORDMOD
(Rapport, Research report, 2001-05)JORDMOD er en partiell likevektsmodell av det norske jordbruket utviklet for å kunne analysere konsekvenser av alternative utforminger av jordbrukspolitikken. På tilbudssiden har modellen 19 driftsformer som finnes i 6 ... -
The drivers of services on next generation networks
(Report, Research report, 2010-06)This report is concerned with the drivers of service development on future networks. As telecommunication networks are being transformed into next generation networks, the communication and media landscapes are being ... -
Dunning’s eclectic paradigm applied on Jotun Thailand
(Report, Research report, 2000-12)This report is written both as an independent thesis and as part of the SNF research project “The multinational activities of Norwegian shipowning companies”, financed by the Research Council of Norway and the Norwegian ... -
Dynamic capabilities for the internationalization of services : the AFF case
(Report, Research report, 2008-08)In order for professional service firms, more specifically management consultancies, to fulfill the needs of domestic client firms that have internationalized, the ability to meet new demands and provide new services becomes ... -
Dynamiske adaptive miljøavgifter
(Rapport, Research report, 2001-04)Optimale CO2-avgifter finnes som en feedback-relasjon ved hjelp av dynamisk optimering. Objektfunksjonen er å maksimere velferden som består av summen av konsument- og produsentoverskudd i markedet for fossilt brennstoff ... -
Economic impacts on the least developed countries of the elimination of import tariffs on their products
(Report, Research report, 2001-05)Several initiatives aimed at reducing trade barriers for Least Developed Countries have been proposed recently. These include the EU decision to provide duty-free and quota-free access on an autonomous basis for all ... -
Economic organization of specific assets in the offshore industry
(Report, Research report, 2000-07)In the international offshore industry we find that the oil companies and their main suppliers usually enjoy separate ownership. But the main contractors manage a capital stock, and produce inputs, that are highly specific ...