Browsing Reports (SNF) by Title
Now showing items 41-60 of 542
Budsjettet i utvikling : en kvantitativ studie av norske virksomheters bruk og holdning til budsjettet
(Rapport;2016: 6, Research report, 2016-09)Budsjettet har historisk hatt en viktig rolle i virksomhetenes økonomiske styring, men i den senere tid har budsjettet blitt utsatt for utstrakt kritikk. Kritikerne hevder blant annet at budsjettet er for tidkrevende, at ... -
Budsjettet relatert til dynamisk styring : en casestudie av SpareBank 1 Gruppen AS
(Rapport, Research report, 2010-08)Utredningen tar for seg problemstillingen: ”Hvordan forholder budsjettet seg til dynamisk styring i teori og praksis?” Utredningen er en casestudie av SpareBank 1 Gruppen AS. I 2009 innførte konsernet et nytt styringssystem, ... -
Budsjettrevolusjonen lar vente på seg : norske bedrifter kritiserer budsjettet, men er ennå ikke klare for budsjettløs styring
(Rapport, Research report, 2010-08)Målet for denne utredningen har vært å utrede potensialet for Beyond Budgeting i Norge. For å si noe om potensialet for at Beyond Budgeting skal spre seg i Norge, har vi kartlagt nåværende utbredelse av budsjetter og andre ... -
Business cycles, commodity prices and shipping freight rates : some evidence from the pre-WWI period
(Report, Research report, 2002-12)The empirical analysis shows that cycles in economic activity are major determinants of the short-run behaviour of shipping freight rates in the years between 1850 and WWI. Consistent with economic theory there is a striking ... -
Bør Norge delta i EUs kvotesystem for utslipp av klimagasser?
(Rapport, Research report, 2004-03)Både Norge og EU har vedtatt å innføre kvotesystemer for utslipp av klimagasser fra 2005. Norge må da ta stilling til om vi skal adoptere EU sitt kvotesystem, noe som gir muligheter for kvotehandel mellom Norge og EU, eller ... -
Børsprising og -avkastning for norske IKT-selskaper
(Rapport, Research report, 2004-11)Det er ingen signifikant forskjell i underprisingen av børsintroduksjoner mellom IKT-selskaper og andre selskaper på Oslo Børs. Likevel er gjennomsnittlig underprising av IKT-selskaper mindre enn halvparten av den ... -
Causes and effects of FDI by the Norwegian maritime industry
(Report, Research report, 2000-12)In this paper we analyse foreign direct investments (FDI) in Asia by the Norwegian maritime industry. We focus on three topics: - Why do Norwegian maritime companies invest abroad? - What are the effects of maritime foreign ... -
CGE-modellering : CES-produktfunksjoner, modellanvendelse og norsk jordbruksbasert næringsmiddelindustri
(Rapport, Research report, 2001-04)Denne rapporten er en del av to prosjekter som er utført ved Stiftelsen for samfunns- og næringslivsforskning (SNF): (i) "Kartlegging og modellering av norsk landbruksbasert næringsmiddelindustri" finansiert av ... -
Changes in the distribution of the world fleet, 1970-87
(Report, Research report, 2000-12)The international shipping crisis of the 1970s and 1980s coincided with massive changes in the distribution of the world fleet. Emerging Maritime Nations and countries offering Flag of Convenience-facilities became more ... -
The Chinese seafood industry : structural changes and opportunities for Norwegians
(Report, Research report, 2005-09)This report contains papers from Norwegian and Chinese researchers on Chinese seafood production and seafood trade. The papers were presented at The International Workshop on Chinese-Norwegian relations in the Seafood ... -
Climate change and productivity in the aquaculture industry
(Report, Research report, 2006-01)It is anticipated that global warming will increase the future temperature in the waters off Norway. The objective of this report is to analyse the potential economic effect a general increase in sea temperature can have ... -
Climate policy and the international steam coal demand
(Report, Research report, 2003-11)This paper analyses the impact of climate policies on the international steam coal demand, focussing particularly on Western Europe and Japan. Steam coal consumption is heavily concentrated on a few industry sectors (power ... -
Commitment i team
(Rapport;2014:4, Research report, 2014-09)I denne masterutredningen utforskes forløperne til commitment til teamarbeid. Det handler om hvordan commitment etableres og utvikles i team, noe som er et hittil lite utforsket område. Det faktum at det er en positiv ... -
Commodity taxation and international trade in imperfect markets
(Report, Research report, 2000-12)This paper studies non-cooperative commodity taxation in a trade model with imperfect competition and trade costs. Nationally optimal tax policy simultaneously tries to correct the domestic distortion from imperfect ... -
Company versus country branding : "Same, same but different"
(Report, Research report, 2002-10)The aim of this study is to investigate whether countries can be branded like companies. Company brands are managed according to clear ownership and top-down control of brand management. In contrast, countries are governed ... -
Comparative evaluation of the fisheries policies in Denmark, Iceland and Norway : multispecies and stochastic issues
(Report, Research report, 2008-01)In this report the fisheries policies in Denmark, Iceland and Norway are subject to evaluation in a comparative perspective with particular emphasis on multi-species interaction and uncertainty. The actual harvest and ... -
Comparing pharmaceutical prices in Europe : a comparison of prescription drug prices in Norway with nine Western European countries
(Report;2011:11, Research report, 2011-10)In this report we compare prices of pharmaceuticals between Norway and the following nine Western European countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden and United Kingdom. We use ... -
Competing for foreign direct investments : a real options approach
(Report, Research report, 2003-10)This paper uses the Bad News Principle to study how the ability of multinationals to shift profits by transfer pricing affects both the timing of foreign direct investment decisions and government tax policy. A main finding ... -
Competition and collusion with exhaustible resources : the case of the crude oil market
(Report, Research report, 2003-06)In this thesis I analyze the dynamics of competition and collusion in exhaustible resource markets, with a special focus on the market for crude oil. Theoretical models with perfect competition, monopoly, and Cournot duopoly ... -
Competition in the Bergen taxi market : model simulations
(Report;2011:14, Research report, 2011-11)By building up simulation models using WEBGPSS language, this report provides an investigation on the taxi business in Bergen, Norway, in the perspective of a large market participant, Norgestaxi. The author gives suggestions ...