Browsing Thesis by Title
Now showing items 41-60 of 4560
Active share i norsk fondsforvaltning : en empirisk analyse
(Master thesis, 2011)I en amerikansk undersøkelse fra 2007 introduserte professorene Cremers og Petajisto et nytt mål på risiko, active share. Active share defineres som den delen av porteføljen som avviker fra referanseporteføljen. Professorene ... -
Active versus passive investing in emerging markets : an empirical study of the relationship between mutual fund performance and the degree of active fund management in emerging markets
(Master thesis, 2019)The debate whether active funds add value compared to passive funds has mostly been limited to developed markets. In this study, we use a panel dataset to investigate whether emerging markets mutual funds’ performance ... -
Activist Hedge Funds : The Characteristics and Determinants of Abnormal Returns in Activist Hedge Fund Targets – an Event Study
(Master thesis, 2014)This thesis is a comprehensive study of the activist hedge fund phenomenon, with particular emphasis on target firm and return characteristics. The utilized sample include 3065 activist interventions in U.S. publicly ... -
Addressing femininity in green consumption : an experimental study on how degrees of feminine communication affect purchase intention for green products
(Master thesis, 2019)The purpose of this study is to investigate how different degrees of feminine communication can have an impact on purchase intention for green products and whether this can be mediated by perceived effectiveness. The ... -
Addressing gender differences in green consumption : does communication of effectiveness make a difference?
(Master thesis, 2018)Purpose: Existing literature has established that, to consumers, there are several drivers and barriers behind the adoption of environmentally friendly products. We explore gender differences in perceived environmental ... -
Adopsjon av mobile betalingstjenester : en kvalitativ studie
(Master thesis, 2019)I de siste årene har det vært en sterk utvikling i det norske betalingsmarkedet. Mye tyder på at vi befinner oss i starten av en større endring i norske forbrukeres betalingsvaner, blant annet som følge av introduksjonen ... -
Adopt or Abort? Mapping students’ and professors’ attitudes towards the use of generative AI in higher education
(Master thesis, 2023)This exploratory and descriptive study investigates the attitudes of students and professors at Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) towards the implementation of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in higher education. ... -
Adopting robotics in downstream financial services : a study investigating bank customers' readiness, and potential barriers to adopt robotics technology
(Master thesis, 2016)The financial sector is experiencing great challenges as the world enters the fourth industrial revolution. Changing customer preferences and new companies venturing into the financial sector are forcing banks to shift ... -
Adoption of green products : a study of drivers influencing consumers’ intentions to adopt green products
(Master thesis, 2018)In light of the raising concern about environmental issues, consumers and the society are increasingly emphasising the importance of green innovations. However, actual sales of green products do not reflect consumers’ ... -
Adoption of green technology : Do temporary electricity price shocks affect the adoption of heat pumps?
(Master thesis, 2022)In this thesis, we aim to explore if temporary electricity price shocks affect adoption of heat pumps. In order to do this we construct panel data by combining sources from Enova and NordPool on number of subsidized heat ... -
Adoption of mobile services : moderating effects of service’s information intensity
(Master thesis, 2006-05-16)The increased use of mobile technology has been dramatic in the recent years. Understanding some of the reasons for this immense expansion lies in comprehending the factors behind consumer usage patterns. Hence it is ... -
Adverse selection in iBuyer business models : A study of adverse selection in the use of automated valuation models for iBuyers
(Master thesis, 2021)The purpose of this thesis is to examine how adverse selection can affect the average resale profits for iBuyers, and how simple strategic purchasing rules can help limit this potential problem. The rise of instant buyer ... -
Advokaters bruk av partssakkyndige i verdsettelseskonflikter : hvordan foretar advokatene utvelgelsen av partssakkyndige i sivile søksmål innenfor verdsettelse av næringseiendom, og hvilke konsekvenser kan interaksjonen mellom dem få for verdsettelsen?
(Master thesis, 2019)Denne masterutredningen har undersøkt hvordan advokater innhenter spesialisert kompetanse gjennom partssakkyndige til verdsettelse av næringseiendom i sivile saker. Vi har også studert hvordan interaksjonen mellom advokat ... -
The affect (effect) of knowledge transfer on multinational enterprises and international strategies
(Master thesis, 2008)Knowledge has become a widely recognized competitive asset for the multinational enterprise. The movement of this knowledge, from parent to subsidiary, inter-subsidiary, or between individuals presents a number of challenges ... -
Affecting the gender difference in risk-taking behavior: a study of how the gender gap in risk-taking behavior can be influenced by a default effect
(Master thesis, 2015)The purpose of this study is to investigate the possibility of influencing the gender difference in risk-taking behavior. By doing so, we combine research from two different fields, namely literature on gender differences ... -
After the rain : exploring the link between rainfall shocks and early childhood development
(Master thesis, 2019)This thesis studies the link between exogenous and unforeseen variations in household income and the development level of very young children in Uganda using rainfall shocks as an instrument for income variation. The ... -
Aftermarket liquidity and performance of initial public offerings : evidence from Oslo Stock Exchange
(Master thesis, 2019)This thesis investigates abnormal returns in initial public offerings (IPOs) at the Oslo Stock Exchange during the time period of 2007 to 2018. By utilising four liquidity measures, we aim to identify the relationships ... -
Aftermarket performance of Norwegian initial public offerings
(Master thesis, 2012)The objective of this thesis is to examine whether the aftermarket performance of Norwegian initial public offerings (IPOs) is consistent with market efficiency. Previous studies state that market efficiency can be disrupted ... -
Aggregate asset price inflation in the global economy a general review of trends in nominal wealth growth between 1900 and 2020
(Master thesis, 2023)The wealth/income ratio gives an indication of the size of an economy’s asset holdings relative to income, it can also be seen as a broad definition of the capital stock. It has its limitations however, as it is difficult ... -
Aggregert netto pengestrøm til norske aksjefond og markedsavkastning i Norge : En empirisk analyse av forholdet mellom aggregert netto pengestrøm til norske aksjefond og markedsavkastning i Norge
(Master thesis, 2023)Denne masteroppgaven analyserer forholdet mellom netto flow til fond og avkastning på makronivå i Norge i perioden januar 2010 til desember 2022. Hensikten med oppgaven har vært todelt: ( 1) analysere om aggregert netto ...