Browsing NHH Brage by Title
Now showing items 7909-7928 of 8599
Treating missing values in INAR(1) models
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2008-07)Time series models for count data have found increased interest in recent days. The existing literature refers to the case of data that have been fully observed. In the present paper, methods for estimating the parameters ... -
Treating missing values in INAR(1) models: An application to syndromic surveillance data
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Time-series models for count data have found increased interest in recent years. The existing literature refers to the case of data that have been fully observed. In this article, methods for estimating the parameters of ... -
A treatise on asset pricing theory with additive nonseparable von Neumann-Morgenstern utility
(Doctoral thesis, 1999) -
Tregheter i arbeidsmarkedet : teori om virkninger av faste kostnadskomponenter, og empiriske resultater for aggregerte sammenhenger
(Master thesis, 2008)I den teoretiske delen av denne oppgaven drøfter jeg hvordan ulike kostnadskomponenter knyttet til variasjoner i antall ansatte kan føre til tregheter i bedriftenes respons på eksogene sjokk. Kostnader ved justert bemanning ... -
Treningsmotivasjon og fysisk aktivitet blant unge : forskjeller mellom aktive og inaktive barn
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)This study is based on the Norwegian data from the HEVAS (Helsevaner blant barn og unge) WHO - survey. We investigated: What differences exist between active and inactive groups of individuals with reference to demography, ... -
Trepartsrelasjoner i prosjektteam : ansatte og eksterne konsulenter i IKT -sektoren om samarbeid i prosjektteam
(Master thesis, 2013)I denne masteroppgaven studerer jeg ansattes og eksterne konsulenters opplevelser av å samarbeide i prosjektteam. Informantene mine består av ansatte og konsulenter som jobber i prosjektteam innenfor IKT-sektoren. Som ... -
Triadic embeddedness, sources of relational rents, and interfirm performance
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Interorganizational research has largely ignored how dyadic relationships are embedded in a wider network context. Responding to this research gap, we study how triadic embeddedness – cooperating firms structurally and ... -
The Triple Difference Estimator
(Discussion paper;1/20, Working paper, 2020-04-22)Triple difference has become a widely used estimator in empirical work. A close reading of articles in top economics journals reveals that the use of the estimator to a large extent rests on intuition. The identifying ... -
Tropical agriculture and deforestation : economic theories and a study from Indonesia
(Doctoral thesis, 1997) -
Trust and mutual gains approach : negotiations between Westerners and Chinese
(Master thesis, 2006)The Chinese economy has experienced an exceptional growth and an increasing number of Western companies are negotiating agreements with Chinese business partners. Cross-cultural difficulties are obstacles in achieving ... -
Trust and the future of financial intermediation
(Master thesis, 2021)The purpose of this thesis is to explore how trust affects the future of financial intermediation following the PSD2-regulation. To research this topic we draw on a broad theoretical foundation involving research on ... -
Trust as a decision problem or performance
(Journal article, 2009)Established theories on trust-development explain trust as a product of information, portraying individuals as passive receptacles of trust-related information. These theories however tend to ignore the goals of the trustor. ... -
Trust in initial encounters : a motivational, cognitive theory
(Doctoral thesis, 2007)In this dissertation I develop a theoretical model on the effects of risk on the formation of trust in the initial stages of a relationship. Risk is proposed to influence trust in two ways: First, risk exerts a direct ... -
Trying to Beat the Market : An Empirical Analysis of the Historical and Potential Active Returns of the Government Pension Fund Global
(Master thesis, 2022)The Government Pension Fund Global (hereafter the GPFG) helps finance the Norwegian welfare state and aims to be managed in such a way that it benefits both current and future generations. Today, the fund is managed ... -
Trying to prosume: toward a perspective on prosumption
(Doctoral thesis, 2005) -
Turbulens i stor høyde
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Det er seks år siden verdens finansmarkeder klappet sammen og verdensøkonomien falt utfor stupet. Krisen som fulgte, er ennå ikke over. Veksten i verdensøkonomien som helhet er langt svakere og mer ujevn enn før; i deler ... -
Turning the page on business formats for digital platforms : does Apple's agency model soften competition?
(Working paper;06/14, Working paper, 2014-04)The agency model used by Apple and other platform providers such as Google allows upstream rms (content providers like book publishers and developers of apps) to choose the retail prices of their products (RPM) subject ... -
Turnover, structure and firm specific learning in a large corporation
(Working paper, Working paper, 2004-08)This paper studies the acquisition of firm specific knowledge in a major Norwegian oil company. Based on self-report data from 980 managers and professionals the paper investigates the impact of formal structure, informal ... -
TusenFryd AS : strategisk regnskapsanalyse og verdivurdering
(Master thesis, 2012)Denne masterutredningen er en strategisk regnskapsanalyse og verdivurdering av fornøyelsesparken TusenFryd AS basert på offentlig tilgjengelig informasjon per 30.09.2011 supplert med strategisk informasjon av nyere ... -
TV advertising, programming investments, and product-market oligopoly
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2000-06)We present a model of the TV-advertising market that encompasses both the product markets and the market for TV programs. We argue that the TV industry has several idiosyncratic characteristics that need to be modeled, ...