Blar i SYNAPS - A Journal of Professional Communication på tittel
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Can experimental translation studies offer something to practising translators?
(Journal article, 2008)This paper looks at the potential implications of experimental translation research to practising translators. The paper begins by a short introduction of the methods used in data elicitation. Some of the findings ... -
Comments to Göpferich's Analysis
(Journal article, 1999) -
Communicating about climate change: Linguistic analysis of climate texts
(Journal article, 2011)That climate change is happening and that it is human-induced are well-established facts in the international scientific community. Research-based knowledge about why and how the climate changes emanates from various natural ... -
Compositionality and deverbal nouns. Testing chomsky's lexcialist hypothesis
(Journal article, 2008)Scholars have different attitudes to the relationship between general linguistics and LSP. In this article I will discuss my own view on this relationship and its theoretical and methodological consequences. In the wake ... -
Consistency in Terminological Choice: Holy Grail or False Prophet?
(Journal article, 2008)The aim of this contribution is to problematise the notion of consistency in relation to terminological choice in the context of technical writing and translation. It is argued that the conventional wisdom of terminolog ... -
Context, culture, compensation Three basic concepts in translation studies
(Journal article, 1999)The last decades have witnessed the burgeoning of contextual cultural and cognitive issues in translation studies (TS). TS has come to realise that it shares much with experts in other fields of linguistic and extralinguistic ... -
Corpus-based translation studies 15 years on: Theory, findings, applications
(Journal article, 2010)In the field of scholarship known as Translation Studies, computerized corpora have come of age in descriptive as well as applied research. The aim of this paper is to show two main features that characterize corpus-bas ... -
Covert Translation, Language Contact, Variation and Change
(Journal article, 2006)The paper reports on a project which applies the model of translation evaluation designed by the present author to the question of whether the English language in its role as a global lingua franca changes textual norms ... -
Das polyseme Verb als Übersetzungsproblem in einer Fachwendung
(Journal article, 2002) -
Disciplinary autonomy and concept relations in electronic knowledge bases. A theoretical approach to KB-N - a knowledge base for economic-administrative domains
(Journal article, 2005)The title of this year’s LSP conference (Fagspråkkonferansen 2005) at the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH) draws attention to intercultural issues and translation. My research interest is ... -
Edderkoppspinn eller nettverk: New media and the use of polar words in emotive contexts
(Journal article, 2008)An adaptation of two well-established measures of changes in financial markets – return and volatility – is presented for the analysis of changes in sentiment, articulated in text, towards specific groups of people ... -
Einige Überlegungen zur nicht-sprachlichen Repräsentation von Gegenständen und Begriffen
(Journal article, 1999)!st die Rede von der Reprasentation von Gegenstanden und Begriffen, denkt man in erster Linie an die sprachliche Reprasentation durch Benennungen, Definitionen, Erklarungen, Beschreibungen oder langere explikative Texte ... -
El papel de la lengua especializada y la terminología en la comunicación y la documentación profesionales de empresas
(Journal article, 2012)This article explores the role of languages of special purposes (LSP) and terminology in professional communication and documentation in businesses. Different communication models (Hoffmann 1985; Cassany 2004; Roelke 2010 ... -
En translatørs hverdag
(Journal article, 2011)In this article, I attempt to give an impression of what translators actually do – who buys our services and what kinds of texts we actually translate. Through examples I have endeavoured to illustrate the type of challenges ... -
Enterprise Risk Management på norsk: Oversettelse og terminologiarbeid i praksis
(Journal article, 2006)Norges Interne Revisorers Forening (NIRF), a National Institute of the global organisation The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA Inc.), is a professional organisation in Norway and offers network, information, ... -
Etterutdanning for translatører: Et gode - eller et unødvendig onde?
(Journal article, 2007)The article argues for post-qualification training for government-accredited [“state-authorised”] translators. The fact that accredited translators have passed a very challenging exam should not be seen as a crowning a ... -
Evaluation of alternative association measures for extraction of terminology based on a large Norwegian corpus
(Journal article, 2011)Multiword expressions are words that co-occur so often that they are perceived as a linguistic unit (Stubbs 2007). Identifying them correctly is important for a variety of tasks within terminology, lexicography and language ... -
Fagkunnskap og fagspraklig kompetanse - to sider av samme sak?
(Journal article, 2001)There seems to be a growing tendency in Norway to regard English as sufficient means of communication, not only internationally, but also in Norwegian trade and industry. -
Fagkunnskap og språkkunnskap. Uatskillelige eller lykkelig separert? - Om oversettelse av juridisk materiale
(Journal article, 1998)Feiltolkning av kildeteksten, til dels alvorlige misforståelser, som nok skyldes at oversetteren helt klart ikke hadde forstått det han/hun oversatte. Dette var kanskje den alvorligste typen feil. Terminologiske feil ...