Blar i Thesis på tittel
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Oljeprisfallets påvirkning på husholdningsgjelden i en todelt økonomi : et naturlig eksperiment av effekten fra oljeprisfallet i Norge
(Master thesis, 2016)Med data fra levekårsundersøkelsene, utført av SSB i første halvår i 2012 og 2015, har vi undersøkt hvordan oljeprisfallet har påvirket husholdningsgjelden i Norge ved bruk av et naturlig eksperiment. Det er store regionale ... -
Oljeprissjokk og aksjemarkedet : en vektor-autoregressiv analyse av sammenhengen mellom sjokk i oljemarkedet og aksjeavkastning
(Master thesis, 2013)Denne utredningen ser nærmere på sammenhengen mellom oljeprissjokk og avkastningen i aksjemarkedet. Inspirert av tidligere studier deler vi opp sjokk i oljemarkedet i tre ulike typer; 1) tilbudssjokk, 2) et aggregert ... -
Oljeprisusikkerhet og optimalt nedleggelsestidspunkt : en realopsjonsmodell
(Master thesis, 2011)Flere oljefelt på norsk sokkel nærmer seg avvikling. Optimalt nedstengningstidspunkt vil avhenge mye av utviklingen i oljeprisen. I denne oppgaven ser vi på hvordan ulik modellering av oljeprisusikkerhet vil virke inn på ... -
Om kontrakter og incentiver i ERP-implementering : LOS-programmet som case
(Master thesis, 2016) -
Omfanget av reklassifisering av finansielle instrumenter i IFRS og US GAAP : en studie av finansielle foretak i Skandinavia og USA
(Master thesis, 2010)En konsekvens av den finansielle krisen i 2008 var at IASB endret reklassifiseringsreglene for finansielle instrumenter. Reklassifisering av finansielle instrumenter var i utstrakt grad allerede lovlig i US GAAP. Denne ... -
Omstilling i den norske sparebankbransjen : en studie av lønnsomhetsvariasjoner knyttet til filial- og utlånsstruktur
(Master thesis, 2018)Sparebankbransjen er i endring. Endringsprosessen manifesterer seg i form av kontornedleggelser og overgang til en stadig mer digital bankhverdag. Dette medfører en endret konkurransesituasjon. Eksempelvis er det i dag ... -
Omstilling i teknologisektoren : nedbemanning og bruk av innleid arbeidskraft
(Master thesis, 2014)Masteroppgaven dreier seg om omstilling i teknologisektoren, nedbemanning og innleid arbeidskraft. Det er et fokus hvor det ikke finnes altfor mye tidligere forskning. Sentralt er kriterier for utvelgelse ved nedbemanning ... -
On asset pricing models and mutual fund performance : an empirical analysis of US mutual funds
(Master thesis, 2018)Asset pricing models introduce the challenge of testing a joint hypothesis. This thesis tests the hypothesis of model misspecification and true alpha separately, using the testing methodology of Gibbons, Ross and Shanken ... -
On the Choice of Uniform or Personalized Prices in the Digital Economy : Spatial Price Policy in Two-Sided Markets
(Master thesis, 2021)In this thesis, we examine firms’ choice of price policy, uniform or personalized prices, in the digital economy. We focus on firms operating in the digital economy as the prevalence of big data allows firms in this ... -
On the extent and origins of the Merton model`s credit spread puzzle : a study of the credit risk pricing of Norwegian corporate bonds 2003-2014
(Master thesis, 2016)For decades, financial literature has attempted to understand the pricing of credit risk in corporate bonds, and the Merton (1974) model is one of the classic approaches to determine a theoretic size for this credit risk ... -
On the relevance of jumps for the pricing of S&P 500 options : with particular emphasis on the adjustment for systematic risk in jump-diffusion models
(Master thesis, 2013)Jump-diffusions are a class of models that is used to model the price dynamics of assets whose value exhibit jumps. The first part of this thesis discusses the implications of such models for the pricing of derivatives. ... -
On the verge of re-entry: readjustment of labour and the optimal policy towards a postpetroleum Norwegian economy
(Master thesis, 2015)Abstract This thesis examines the petroleum effect in the Norwegian sectoral composition of labour and the consequential effect for a forthcoming re-entry process to a post-petroleum economy. The objective of the thesis ... -
On uncertainty and investment rates : with empirical analysis of developed economies
(Master thesis, 2009)This thesis investigates the impact of uncertainty on investment rates. The theoretical and empirical literature on the subject is surveyed before I do an empirical analysis on investment data for 14 developed economies ... -
One step closer to the hybrid ideal : a qualitative approach
(Master thesis, 2018)Social ventures change the traditional business environment by offering competitive products and services, while solving societal problems. Consistently, such organizations aim to generate both social and economic value. ... -
Online community marketing of ski resorts : an in-depth best practice study of aspen/snowmass and breckenridge ski resort
(Master thesis, 2013)Online brand community is a novel phenomenon that carries a number of benefits, but lack of clarity in antecedents of its effectiveness as a marketing alternative. Aspen/Snowmass and Breckenridge Ski Resort are two leading ... -
Online competition : examining competition between online and dual-channel retailers in the Norwegian electronics market
(Master thesis, 2018)The purpose of this thesis is to explore competition among retailers online. Online retailing has grown significantly in recent years and is expected to keep growing. Simultaneously, traditional brick-and-mortar retailers ... -
Online Ratings and Reviews: Are numerical ratings more persuasive than written reviews?
(Master thesis, 2022)In this thesis, the aim is to investigate the effect of numerical values and words on the consumer decision process. Previous research has studied the effect of online rating and review systems and how they influence ... -
Open banking in Norway : the potential for third party providers and the impact on the banking industry
(Master thesis, 2018)The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the impact of Open Banking on the Norwegian commercial banking industry and the potential for third parties in Norway. We proceed by defining the various concepts involved in ... -
Open innovation practices applied to service innovation : a study of the Norwegian service sector
(Master thesis, 2012)Open Innovation (OI) has become one of the most predominant topics in innovation management. However, most literature has evolved around the effects and best practices for product manufacturers. Nevertheless, service ... -
Opera Software : Årsaken til forskjeller i markedsandeler på mobil og desktop : en casestudie
(Master thesis, 2011)Formålet med denne masterutredningen har vært å kartlegge årsaksforklaringer til forskjellen i markedsandeler. Vi har valgt å fokusere på IT- og Telekombransjen, og har tatt utgangspunkt i nettleserselskapet Opera Software ...