Now showing items 50-69 of 809

    • Bindende tilsagn i konkurransesaker – forordning 1 art. 9 og relevansen for konkurranseloven 

      Hjelmeng, Erling (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2011-05)
      Denne fremstillingen tar for seg den formaliserte forliksadgangen (tilsagn), i EU- og EØS-konkurranseretten, jf. forordning 1 art. 9. Formålet med fremstillingen er særlig å vurdere om det er grunn til å innføre en liknende ...
    • Bindende videresalgspriser i bokmarkedet : bør forlaget eller bokhandleren sette prisen? 

      Evertsen, Cathrine (Arbeidsnotat;41/13, Working paper, 2013-10)
      Denne utredningen handler om hvem som bør sette prisen i bokmarkedet, forlaget eller bokhandelen. Først ser jeg på bindende videresalgspriser generelt, i en modell av Rey og Tirole (1986). Deretter setter jeg dette i ...
    • A bioeconomic analysis of the Norwegian spring spawning herring (Nssh) stock 

      Bjørndal, Trond; Ussif, Al-Amin M.; Sumaila, Ussif Rashid (Working paper, Working paper, 2003-03)
      A biological model, belonging to the Beverton and Holt age-structured family, for the Norwegian spring spawning herring (NSSH) is simulated, the outcome of which compares well with actual data on the fishery. This model ...
    • The blue whiting coalition game 

      Ekerhovd, Nils-Arne (Working paper, Working paper, 2008-09)
      The current paper is an application of the analysis of coalition, in particular the partition function approach, to the North East Atlantic blue whiting fishery. In an Exclusive Membership/Coalition Unanimity game, a ...
    • Brand and customer experience in service organizations : literature review and brand experience construct validation 

      Skard, Siv; Nysveen, Herbjørn; Pedersen, Per E. (Working paper, Working paper, 2011-04)
      Commoditization of goods and services has generated a need for providing customer value beyond functional attributes and benefits. The concepts of brand and customer experience have therefore gained increased interest among ...
    • The broadband access market : competition, uniform pricing and geographical coverage 

      Foros, Øystein; Kind, Hans Jarle (Working paper, Working paper, 2000-12)
      This paper analyzes some technological and political aspects of the market for broadband access. Broadband access is the last mile of the telecommunication network, and it is an essential component in order to offer broadband ...
    • Brukeravgifter i samferdselssektoren : et velferdsteoretisk perspektiv 

      Pedersen, Karl Rolf (;2012:08, Working paper, 2012-01)
      Dette notatet gir en introduksjon til hvordan brukeravgifter i samferdelssektoren bør beregnes, det vil si hvordan optimale brukeravgifter kan finnes. Utgangspunktet er moderne velferdsteori, og fremstillingen er basert ...
    • Brukerrådets rolle i Statnett : en prinsipiell betenkning 

      Andersen, Christian; Eldegard, Tom; Singh, Balbir (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2001-02)
      Notatet er utarbeidet på oppdrag for Statnett SF og gir en prinsipiell vurdering av brukerrådets rolle i styringen av selskapet. Temaet er aktualisert ved regjeringens innspill til endringer i brukerrådets sammensetning ...
    • Building conditions in Norwegian local governments : trends and determinants 

      Hopland, Arnt O.; Kvamsdal, Sturla F. (Working paper;2017:13, Working paper, 2017-10)
      In light of evidence of low levels of maintenance of public buildings, we investigate trends and determinants of public building conditions in Norwegian local governments. On average, the condition of Norwegian local public ...
    • Bundling in the television market : who will benefit the most from á-la-carte channel choice in the Norwegian television market? 

      Sørensen, Daniel Audun (Working paper;19/13, Working paper, 2013-08)
      Bundling of television channels has been heavily criticized by consumers, but is still observed in most television markets. In this paper I investigate the consequences of unbundling the Norwegian market, especially from ...
    • Business models for media firms : does competition matter for how they raise revenue? 

      Kind, Hans Jarle; Nilssen, Tore; Sørgard, Lars (Working paper, Working paper, 2008-08)
      The purpose of this article is to analyze how competitive forces may influence how media firms like TV channels raise revenue. A media firm can either be financed by advertising revenue, by direct payment from the viewers ...
    • Business Region Bergen : bakgrunnsnotat for indikatorer 

      Andersen, Christian; Mjørlund, Rune; Rusten, Grete (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2009)
      SNF har på oppdrag av Business Region Bergen (BRB) utarbeidet et sett med indikatorer for relevante økonomiske og strukturelle forhold innen BRB. For en del indikatorer er det ikke tilgang på kommunedata, og indikatorene ...
    • Buy-back programs for fishing vessels in Norway 

      Hannesson, Rögnvaldur (Working paper, Working paper, 2004-03)
      In Norway, buy-back programs have been in force since 1979. Grants have been given to scrap fishing vessels or to sell them out of the country. These programs have been most successful for the purse seine fleet. Since the ...
    • Buying influence : aid fungibility in a strategic perspective 

      Hagen, Rune Jansen (Working Paper, Working paper, 2002-01)
      I study equilibria of non-cooperative budgetary games between an aid donor and a recipient when there is conflict over the preferred allocation of the combined budgets of the two parties. I show that final outcomes are the ...
    • Buying power in UK retail chains : a residual supply approach 

      Asche, Frank; Nøstbakken, Linda; Tveterås, Sigbjørn (Working paper, Working paper, 2006-11)
      The development of supermarket chains has led to substantial concentration in food supply chains, and has raised concerns not only that these companies can exploit oligopoly power, but also oligopsony power. In this paper, ...
    • Bør FoU-støtte rettes mot små eller store foretak? 

      Møen, Jarle; Rybalka, Marina (;2011:37, Working paper, 2011-12)
      ”Innovation, Path Dependency, and Policy”, som utkom på Oxford University Press i 2009 uttrykker Jan Fagerberg, David Mowery og Bart Verspagens bekymring for at norsk forskningspolitikk ikke i tilstrekkelig grad understøtter ...
    • Bør kommuner kjøpe helseforsikring 

      Askildsen, Jan Erik; Holmås, Tor Helge; Nordanger, Lene Kristin (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2006-12)
      Private helseforsikringer har så langt hatt et relativt beskjedent omfang i Norge, også sammenliknet med våre skandinaviske naboland. Den viktigste årsaken til at relativt få tegner private forsikringer mot sykdom, er ...
    • Can a warmer climate save northern agriculture? 

      Gaasland, Ivar (Working Paper, Working paper, 2004-05)
      Agriculture at high latitudes is expected to be the main beneficiary of a man-made climate change. A numerical model, using Norway as a case, is employed to analyze the impacts of a warmer climate on northern agriculture. ...
    • Can exclusive territories limit strategic location downstream? 

      Fjell, Kenneth; Heywood, John S. (Working Paper, Working paper, 2001-04)
      Research on spatial price discrimination demonstrates that strategic (off center) location choices by downstream firms can increase downstream profit and reduce both the profit of an upstream monopoly and social welfare. ...
    • Can land reform be an effective approach to alleviate poverty and inequality in Nepal? 

      Adhikari, Chandra Bahadur; Bjørndal, Trond (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-09)
      Land is the main source of income and consumption for the Nepalese people. This study analyses the economic relationship between access to land and poverty in Nepal by establishing the link between land and consumption as ...