• Intergenerational mobility : trends across the earnings distribution 

      Bratberg, Espen; Nilsen, Øivind Anti; Vaage, Kjell (Working paper, Working paper, 2005-03)
      The analysis, based on register data for Norwegian cohorts born 1950, 1955 and 1960, shows that the intergenerational earnings mobility is high. Using quantile regression, mobility is found to be lower at the lower end of ...
    • Internal wage dispersion and firm performance : white-collar evidence 

      Hunnes, Arngrim (Working paper, Working paper, 2008-06)
      This paper investigates the net relationship between internal wage dispersion and firm performance. An empirical investigation of the relationship between internal wage dispersion and firm performance is performed using ...
    • Internasjonale endringer og lokal respons : en analyse av omstillingsarbeidet i Odda 

      Jakobsen, Stig-Erik (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2003-06)
      Dette notatet er skrevet på oppdrag av Kommunal- og regionaldepartementets ”Effektutvalg” som ble nedsatt av Regjeringen høsten 2001. Utvalget jobber med kartlegging av effekter av statlig innsats på ulike områder. I dette ...
    • Internasjonalisering av telesektoren : generelle lærdommer og spesielle utfordringer for Telenor 

      Ulset, Svein; Gooderham, Paul N. (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2000-04)
      Notatet beskriver og analyserer strategiske og organisasjonsmessig utfordringer i forbindelse med internasjonalisering av teleselskap generelt og Telenor spesielt. Siden internasjonalisering av telesektoren er av nyere ...
    • Internasjonalisering og lønnsomhet blant norske leverandører til olje- og gassutvinning 

      Kristiansen, Frode (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2001-08)
      SNF har i mange arbeider studert internasjonalisering og lønnsomhet blant norske leverandører til petroleumsvirksomheten. Bakgrunnen for notatet var et ønske om å utnytte tidligere innsamlede spørreskjemaopplysninger om ...
    • International complementarities in the internet : should domestic local access prices be regulated? 

      Foros, Øystein; Kind, Hans Jarle; Sørgard, Lars (Working Paper, Working paper, 2001-10)
      The Internet can be seen as the convergence of different industries like telecommunication, software, and media into an international oligopoly, where the end-user is offered a bundle consisting of complementary products ...
    • International management of North Sea herring 

      Bjørndal, Trond; Lindroos, Marko (Working Paper, Working paper; Working paper, 2002-10)
      North Sea herring is a transboundary resource, shared by the EU and Norway. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how the harvests or total allowable catch quotas (TACs) for this species should be divided between ...
    • International management strategies for a migratory fish stock : a bio-economic simulation model of the Norwegian spring-spawning herring 

      Bjørndal, Trond; Gordon, Daniel V.; Lindroos, Marko; Kaitala, Veijo (Working paper, Working paper; Working paper, 2000-12)
      In this paper, a three-country dynamic bio-economic simulation model is presented for the spring-spawning herring fishery. The international spring-spawning herring fishery, based on potentially one of the most valuable ...
    • International trade with competitiveness effects in R&D 

      Pires, Armando José Garcia (Working Paper, Working paper, 2005-12)
      In an oligopoly trade model where firms engage in R&D, international differences in market size allow for the emergence of endogenous asymmetries between firms. Concretely, firms located in countries with more demand become ...
    • Internationalization of innovative activities in Norway US patents involving Norwegian inventors and assignees 

      Qiu, Xinlu; Heum, Per; Cheng, Xiaomei (Working paper, 2018-05)
      Purpose: To investigate the international connectivity of innovation activity in Norway. Design: We use patent data from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to examine the level and international pattern ...
    • The internet market structure : implications for national and international regulation 

      Foros, Øystein; Kind, Hans Jarle (Working paper, Working paper, 2000-09)
      Internet connectivity may be seen as a composite good that is produced by the complementary inputs local and global access. In addition to the infrastructure components, software and content components affect the customers’ ...
    • Investeringer i bredbåndskapasitet: Litteraturgjennomgang innenfor emnet nettnøytralitet 

      Johannessen, Mia Færøvik (Working paper;16/14, Working paper, 2014-06)
      Denne utredningen er en litteraturgjennomgang innenfor emnet nettnøytralitet. Oppgaven fokuserer på tre artikler som setter opp ulike modellrammeverk for å studere et avvik fra nettnøytralitet ved å introdusere et regime ...
    • Investment in transmission 

      Førsund, Finn R. (Working paper, Working paper, 2007-11)
      Transmission is an integral part of the electricity system. However, even within a centralised system of generation and transmission it has never been a trivial exercise to perform coordination of expanding loads, generation ...
    • Investment mechanism design and public policy for a natural gas grid 

      Sannarnes, Jan Gaute (Working paper, Working paper, 2007-11)
      This paper discusses how the government can design investment mechanisms to induce a socially optimal capacity increase in a gas grid that is owned by a syndicate of gas producers. Designing the investment mechanisms, the ...
    • Investment to serve future consumption needs : trade theory applied to demographic challenges 

      Almås, Ingvild (Working Paper, Working paper, 2005-11)
      One-good-economy neoclassical models predict that the non-synchronized aging between developing and developed economies can cause interaction between them leading to a Pareto improvement, e.g. Holzmann (2000). Interaction ...
    • Investments in recessions 

      Knudsen, Eirik Sjåholm; Lien, Lasse B. (Working paper;03/13, Working paper, 2013-01)
      We argue that the strategy literature has been virtually silent on the issue of recessions, and that this constitutes a regrettable sin of omission. A key route to rectify this omission is to focus on how recessions affect ...
    • Is customer profitability related to solvency of customers? 

      Helgesen, Øyvind (Working paper, Working paper; Working paper, 2000-12)
      Firms have to consider various ways to analyse their business. However, by many firms it is often asserted that the customers are most important. The sales to customers are generating the cash flows that make the firms ...
    • Is labor mobility a channel for spillovers from multinationals? : evidence from Norwegian manufacturing 

      Balsvik, Ragnhild (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-07)
      This paper documents labor mobility flows from multinationals (MNEs) to non-MNEs in Norwegian manufacturing during the 1990s. 14,400 workers in MNEs move to non-MNEs during this period. By the year 2000, 28 percent of the ...
    • Is there a demand response by patients in primary care? 

      Holmås, Tor Helge; Kaarbøe, Oddvar M. (Working paper, Working paper, 2006-11)
      We test whether a demand response by patients exists in the Norwegian primary care sector. In Norway, physicians are remunerated either by salary or by incentive contract, and we have access to a large data survey that ...
    • Kapitalskattereformen i 2006 : tilpassinger og nøytralitet 

      Klette, Svein Erik (2010:47, Working paper, 2010-11)
      Dette notatet tar for seg det ”nye” norske kapitalbeskatningssystemet som ble innført i 2006. Det nye systemet innebar en delvis dobbelbeskatning av selskap og aksjonærer. Før skattereformen ble utbytter og kapitalgevinster ...