Browsing Thesis by Title
Now showing items 4201-4220 of 4449
Value creation through industry concentrated fund portfolios : an empirical study of the Norwegian fund market
(Master thesis, 2019)Although financial theory recommends investors to diversify their holdings across industries to reduce their overall unsystematic risk, some fund managers hold their portfolios concentrated in specific industries. This ... -
Value investing in the Scandinavian context : inspired by “Dogs of the dow”
(Master thesis, 2020)The objective of this thesis is to investigate the relevance of the high dividend-yield strategy, “Dogs of the Dow” (DoD), combined with two additional value investing strategies. All strategies are examined in a Scandinavian ... -
The value of corporate social responsibility : looking beyond the bottom line
(Master thesis, 2006)Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has developed increased prominence as an idea, as a company strategy and as a practical program in companies across the world. The literature in the CSR field has focused on whether ... -
The Value of Equity Analysts: An Empirical Study of the Informativeness of Analyst Revisions
(Master thesis, 2021)This thesis investigates the informativeness of analyst recommendation revisions and target price revisions in absence of recommendation changes. The 69 companies included in the Oslo Børs Benchmark Index (OSEBX) are ... -
The Value of ESG: Evidence from M&As: An Empirical Analysis of ESG in M&As in the OECD from 2010 to 2021
(Master thesis, 2022)This paper investigates whether acquirers are willing to pay a premium for targets with greater environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance in mergers and acquisitions (M&A). The topic is scarcely investigated, ... -
The value of interpretable machine learning in wind power prediction : an emperical study using shapley addidative explanations to interpret a complex wind power prediction model
(Master thesis, 2020)The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate if interpretable machine learning provides valuable insight into TrønderEnergi’s wind power prediction models. As we will see, interpretable machine learning provides ... -
The value of tactical and strategic CSR during crises of trust : evidence from the great recession
(Master thesis, 2019)In 2017, Lins, Servaes and Tamayo found that firms’ level of CSR activities affected firm performance during the 2008, 2009 financial crisis positively. In this master’s thesis, I aim to analyze the relationship on a more ... -
The Value Relevance of Accounting in R&D-Intensive Firms: A qualitative study of accounting relevance in R&D-intensive firms and what information is conisdered relevant by CFOs
(Master thesis, 2022)This master thesis aims to investigate how relevant accounting is for R&D-intensive businesses, and what information is or could be used to compensate for the reduced relevance over the years. There is a wide agreement ... -
The value relevance of financial information
(Master thesis, 2011) -
Value Relevance of Foreign Currency Accounts: A study of US publicly listed firms value relevance with foreign currency transaction and translation factors
(Master thesis, 2022)Foreign currency risk has become an increasing concern for multinational companies, due to the expansion of business geographical scope and increased volatility of foreign exchange rates. The robustness of firm foreign ... -
Value relevant ESG scores and superior performance : when is a high ESG score indicative of better financial performance?
(Master thesis, 2021)Purpose - The objective of this thesis is to develop a methodology that will enable investors to differentiate between two types of companies: those with high performance on ESG issues that have the potential to significantly ... -
Value strategies : do stocks with low prices relative to fundamental measures of value outperform the market?
(Master thesis, 2015)This paper investigates weak-form market efficiency of the U.S. equity market by identifying market anomalies related to value strategies for portfolios formed on price-earnings, price-dividends, price-cash flow and ... -
Valutakriser i et globalt perspektiv : en analyse av 90-tallets valutakriser i Mexico, Sør-Korea, Russland og Brasil
(Master thesis, 2006)Utredningen drøfter 90-tallets valutakriser i Mexico, Sør-Korea, Russland og Brasil i et globalt perspektiv. Valutakrisene forsøkes kategorisert i henhold til en generasjonsmodell. Det teoretiske rammeverket består for ... -
Valutakursmodell for den norske kronen : empirisk modellering av NOK/EUR-kursen basert på fundamentalfaktorer
(Master thesis, 2010)Utredningen presenterer valutakursmodeller for norske kroner mot euro; én modell som søker å gi informasjon om tidligere bevegelser i valutakursen, én modell som predikerer endringer i valutakursen, samt langtidsløsningen ... -
Valutakursmodellering av den norske kronen : en empirisk analyse av kronens fundamentale drivere i tidsperioden 2001-2020
(Master thesis, 2020)I denne utredningen undersøker vi om kronekursen ligger på sitt fundamentale nivå i tidsperioden 2017-2020, basert på en estimeringsperiode fra april 2001 til januar 2020. Vi benytter enkel økonometrisk metode til å ... -
Valutakursmodellering av den norske kronen : en undersøkelse av informasjonsinnholdet i NOK/SEK-kursen
(Master thesis, 2009)Denne utredningen undersøker informasjonsinnholdet i å modellere kronekursen mot en liten valuta som den svenske, sammenlignet med modeller av større kronekursmål som norske kroner mot euro eller konkurransekursindeksen. ... -
Valutakursmodellering av kronekursen : en empirisk analyse av valutahandelsstatistikkens nytteverdi
(Master thesis, 2017)Makrovariablers svake evne til å forklare valutakurs har skapt et vakuum i valutakursteorien. I oppgaven undersøkes derfor Norges Banks offentlige valutastatistikks evne til å forklare kronekursen, samt dens predikeringsevne ... -
Valutakursmodellering av råvarevaluater : den norske kronen og den canadiske dollaren
(Master thesis, 2017)Denne masterutredningen studerer forklaringsfaktorene bak råvarevalutaer, nærmere bestemt den norske kronen og den canadiske dollaren. Dette gjøres ved å konstruere økonometriske modeller for representative valutakursindekser ... -
Valutaprognosers treffsikkerhet : en empirisk analyse av skandinaviske aktørers valutaprognoser i perioden 2003 - 2016
(Master thesis, 2017)I denne oppgaven har vi analysert valutaprognosene til fire skandinaviske banker i perioden 2003 til 2016. Dette inkluderer noen av de største bankene i Norge, Sverige og Danmark. I tillegg har vi analysert valutaprognosene ... -
Valutarisiko og valutasikring i internasjonal anbudskonkurranse : et casestudie av Kværner
(Master thesis, 2013)Utredningen har vurdert valutarisikoen som påløper selskaper som deltar i internasjonale anbudskonkurranser i tilbudsfasen, altså i perioden fra et tilbud sendes ut til anbudsgiver avgjør hvem som vinner anbudet. Videre ...