Blar i SYNAPS - A Journal of Professional Communication på tittel
Viser treff 29-48 av 124
Fagkunnskap og fagspraklig kompetanse - to sider av samme sak?
(Journal article, 2001)There seems to be a growing tendency in Norway to regard English as sufficient means of communication, not only internationally, but also in Norwegian trade and industry. -
Fagkunnskap og språkkunnskap. Uatskillelige eller lykkelig separert? - Om oversettelse av juridisk materiale
(Journal article, 1998)Feiltolkning av kildeteksten, til dels alvorlige misforståelser, som nok skyldes at oversetteren helt klart ikke hadde forstått det han/hun oversatte. Dette var kanskje den alvorligste typen feil. Terminologiske feil ... -
Fagoversettelse: Språkkunnskap uten fagkunnskap
(Journal article, 1998)The patron saint of translators – Saint Jerome (Eusebias Hieronymus Sophronius) – recommended that "a translator should lead an ascetic life and remain single, the actual job occupying so much of his time and attention ... -
Fagsrpåklig leksigrafi og terminografi: Eit komplementært perspektiv
(Journal article, 2001)The paper takes its point of departure in a scrutiny of the defining characteristics of LSP lexicography and tenninography, respectively, and of some of the claims made on behalf of either collapsing or distinguishing ... -
Fagteksting som utfordring
(Journal article, 1998)Teksting er en svært krevende form for oversettelse, og utfordringene kan være nokså varierte. Det er i særklasse den mest benyttede form for fjernsyns- og filmoversettelse i de nordiske landene. Hovedgrunnen til at man ... -
Finding terminology in Norwegian newspapers
(Journal article, 2011)This paper presents findings from an on-going study of the use of anglicisms, in particular terminology, evident in Norwegian newspapers that can be related to the financial crisis of 2007-2010. Examples of such anglicisms ... -
Fiskeristyresmaktene si rolle i utvikling av ein fiskeriterminologi
(Journal article, 2006)In this article I try to establish whether it is fair to argue that there exists a particular Norwegian fishery terminology, and, if so, whether and to what extent national administrative bodies have played and are ... -
Fordelene ved økt juridisk fagkunnskap i oversettelsessammenheng
(Journal article, 1998)Tema for årets Fagspråkkonferanse er “Fagoversettelse: Språkkunnskap uten fagkunnskap?” Tittelen kan vel forstås på to forskjellige måter. Den første går på den faktiske situasjonen: Er det slik at fagoversettelse kanskje ... -
Fotball og samfunn i Latinamerika - røynsler frå ein moduldel i nettspansk
(Journal article, 2002)The revolution observed in e-learning in the last decade has permitted the implementation of new kinds of studies based on an enlarged stream of information and new forms of interaction between teacher and student. The ... -
Fra begrep via og til leksikon. Den skapende syklus
(Journal article, 2008)Lexicon is frequently conceived of as being limited to the number of entries of a dictionary and thus indicative of the richness of a national language. These entries are, however, the tip of the iceberg. The input side ... -
From Text to Terminology ... and Back to Text
(Journal article, 2003)As a subtitle to my presentation for the LSP conference I added the phrase “terminology management as an aid to translation quality and timeliness in an expanding European Union”, because what I set out to do was to ... -
Funciones de las subordinadas adverbiales impropias en el español conversacional argentino: Análisis gramatical y pragmático
(Journal article, 2013)This article, which is a slightly revised version of the trial lecture for my PhD degree, presents the results of a corpus-based analysis of causal, final, conditional and concessive adverbial clauses in conversational ... -
Grundlegendes zur zweisprachigen Fachlexikographie aus der Sicht des Fachübersetzers
(Journal article, 2010)This paper discusses some fundamentals of bilingual LSP lexicography in modern time. All examples are taken from legal dictionaries in Norwegian-English, Norwegian-German and German-English language pairs published between ... -
Hoffentlich Allianz versichert ... Unternehmenskommunikation auf Deutsch
(Journal article, 2004)Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, Grundlagen und Beispiele der Unternehmenskommunikation kurz vorzustellen sowie Ansätze zu einer Analysemethode zur Ermittlung von Textsortenspezifika und von Kulturunterschieden zu beschreiben. ... -
How the European Union functions in 23 languages
(Journal article, 2013)This article takes a look at how the EU functions in 23 languages. It places EU legal translation within a broad structural context. First, a general introduction to the EU environment is briefly proposed, with an eye to ... -
In honour of Magnar Brekke
(Journal article, 2008)Before listing the key publications of Magnar Brekke, I would like to present some of his academic activities. For reasons of space only some snapshots of his long career will be given here. His career started in the ... -
(In)directness – Distance or Proximity?
(Journal article, 2012)The terms distance and proximity are not only linked to nonverbal space but also to verbal (in)directness and politeness theories. In this article, I examine what linguistic and rhetorical devices are used to express ... -
(Journal article, 2006) -
Interkulturell kommunikation som forskningsområde på handelshøjskoler - overvejelser omkring genstandsfelt og paradigmeskift
(Journal article, 2004)Handelshøjskolerne i Århus og København er i dag fuldgyldige universitetsinstitutioner efter den danske universitetslov og uddanner bachelorer (BA), kandidater (MA/cand.ling.merc.) og inden for det erhvervsøkonomiske ...